Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, September 18, 1993                   TAG: 9309180085
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


"The '90s appears to be the decade in which the rights of children are being held in focus. There is a movement to change adoption laws in each state. What changes do you feel should be made in Virginia?"

- Joyce Brown, Boones Mill

Mary Sue Terry:

"In the past three years, Virginia's adoption laws have been substantially modified to protect the rights of parents, both birth and adoptive, and children. New procedures have been put in place to help ensure that direct placement adoptions are conducted in a manner that best serves each interested party. Virginia is fortunate that our adoption procedures are generally well-respected and supported by those who have come in contact with them. While this is an area which must have continuing scrutiny as it evolves, at present, I do not see a need to change our legal framework for adoptions."

George Allen:

"First, I would want to listen and study whatever recommendations are being made by those who would want to improve our adoption laws. Secondly, it's my view our adoption laws in Virginia are very complicated and not conducive to adoption in many cases. Third, I would like to see us in Virginia allow direct adoption as an option in certain cases.

"Direct adoption is where birth mother or birth parents would actually know who the adopting parents would be. That is currently not allowed in Virginia to any great degree. For some people, that is the best option, but it's not allowed in Virginia, so they have to go to Maryland or New Jersey or some other state.

"I don't believe the compensation to the birth mother should be anything more than lost income and her medical and hospital charges; I don't think they should be paying for the baby, so to speak. It's something where I do think our adoption laws ought to be improved. Direct adoption is one of the improvements I'd like to see made."

( Terry asked for time to research this question and respond in writing. Allen was given the same opportunity, but chose to give a spoken response.)

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