Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, September 21, 1993                   TAG: 9309210084
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B2   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Hampden-Sydney has hired former Tigers basketball All-American Russell Turner from Roanoke as its head cross country coach and assistant basketball coach. Turner, who attended Patrick Henry High School, replaces Drew Catlett, who left in August after six seasons to pursue business opportunities. Turner will take over the cross country team immediately, replacing head basketball coach Tony Shaver, who has served as interim coach.

Turner, the Tigers' all-time leading scorer with 2,272 points, was an All-American on the court and in the classroom. During his senior year, 1991-92, he received first-team GTE Academic All-America honors from the College Sports Information Directors of America, and he was chosen a first-team Division III basketball All-American by the National Association of Basketball Coaches. He made the All-ODAC first team four times and helped lead the Tigers to two ODAC championships and a trip to the NCAA "Sweet 16" in 1992.

After graduating in May 1992, he worked for a year as a teacher and coach at Darlington School in Rome, Ga.

Roanoke College (6-1, 3-0) extended its winning streak to six with a 5-0 men's soccer victory over visiting Bridgewater (0-4, 0-2) in an Old Dominion Athletic Conference game at Salem. Roanoke next plays on Saturday at Washington and Lee at 11 a.m.

The Maroons scored three goals in a short span early in the game. Keith Arnott scored at the 8:38 mark on assists from Dustin Fonder and Nelson Vasquez; Todd Hallauer scored at 9:47 on an assist from Fonder; and Rick Wells scored the first of his two goals at 10:27 on an assist from Arnott. Fonder later added a goal. Roanoke outshot Bridgewater 13-2.

Ferrum's women's soccer team defeated Guilford for the first time in four meetings, winning 4-2 in overtime. The Panthers' Holly Culpeper scored the second of her two goals at the two-minute mark of the second overtime to complete the scoring. Cynthia Rhinehart put Ferrum (4-2) ahead 1-0 in the first half, and Culpeper, who also had an assist, gave Ferrum its other goal in regulation. Alicia Golden scored both Guilford goals, the second at 22 minutes of the second half to tie the score. Ferrum's Rachel Weber scored at 14:20 of the second overtime. Weber, who also had two assists, has eight goals and seven assists in six games. Guilford is 3-2.

Coleman Throckmorton of Wytheville won the junior boys' division national title for ages 7-10 in the Rainbow Iron Kids Triathlon this past weekend in Nashville, Tenn., in a time of 16.34 seconds. He finished 38 seconds faster than the nearest competitor.

Roanoke's Ashley DuVall was second in her age group of 7-year-olds in a time of 22 minutes, 44 seconds.

 by CNB