Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, September 24, 1993                   TAG: 9309240124
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


The Virginia High School League has referred the Mountain Empire District's request to split its league back to the Region C.

The VHSL took the move at its executive council meeting Thursday when the Mountain Empire District questioned whether it was legal, according to the VHSL handbook, to make the split.

The handbook says such moves are to be made by March 1 of any odd-numbered year. Another section says establishing a new district from schools in one general area may be approved by the group board without reference to a date.

"In this case, we went by the clause that doesn't require the move must be done by a date," said VHSL programs supervisor Ken Tilley. "There's a reference they will follow that if at least two-thirds of the schools involved in realignment [all Region C schools] approve the plan, it will go before the [Group A] board in October.

"It was stated during the meeting that we're not aware of any instance if the region approves something it's not approved [automatically] by a group board."

Shawsville principal Nelson Simpkins, spearheading the move for the 10-member Mountain Empire District to split, says a meeting for all Region C schools will be held Tuesday morning at James River High School in Buchanan.

Awaiting the outcome will be Radford High School, which is deciding whether to drop from the oup AA New River District to the Mountain Empire District. That decision will be made Tuesday afternoon at the school board meeting, said Radford City Schools superintendent Dr. Mike Wright.

George Wythe, which had been mentioned as moving from the Hogoheegee District to the Mountain Empire, will not do so at this time.

"This came so fast and we just added John Battle in the Hogoheegee," said Wythe principal Dan McDaniel. "George Wythe will stay in the Hogoheegee for the next two years. Before we move, we want to know where the games will be."

Simpkins agrees the new plan came along fast, but says this is a move for the future. "My feeling is that we're laying the groundwork for two years hence. We're setting up the structure to provide many people with options two years from now if the Region C approves," he said.

\ STAYS IN CHARLOTTESVILLE: The VHSL said this year's winter state basketball tournaments will remain in Charlottesville and be compressed into one week because University Hall is scheduled to host an NCAA women's region basketball tournament.

The first round of the state will be held at the sites of region champions on Monday, March 7, with semifinals and finals scheduled for Charlottesville on March 10-12.

That means the Salem Civic Center's bid to host the tournaments has been turned down. However, the VHSL was impressed with the civic center's request and says it will open the 1995 state tournaments to bids from possible host sites.

"I'm disappointed because the state tournaments are prestigious events. We knew we were a long shot going in and we'll abide by the decision," said civic center manager Carey Harveycutter, who added his building will bid for the 1995 tournaments.

\ AAA VOLLEYBALL: The VHSL voted to hold the first ever Group AAA state volleyball championship this fall with Hylton High School acting as host to the four-team event. Previously, only Group AA and A held state volleyball tournaments with Group AAA play stopping after the region.

With a Northwestern school playing host, the region champion and runner-up will go to the state. The Northwestern champion will play the Eastern Region champion, and the Northwestern runner-up will meet the Central runner-up on Friday, Nov. 19. The Northern Region doesn't have volleyball.

Finals are scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 20.

 by CNB