Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, September 25, 1993                   TAG: 9309250045
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


WING NG, professor of mechanical engineering, recently testified before the House Subcommittee on Technology, Environment and Aviation. Ng is chairman of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Aerospace Division and chairman of the Task Force on the National Aerospace Plane. His presentation included results and recommendations on a hypersonics research and development program, particularly a joint effort with NASA and the Department of Defense to develop a special airplane that goes into orbit from a standard runway without separating into multiple stages.

\ JAMES I. ROBERTSON, an alumni distinguished professor of history, is recipient of the first Civil War Round Table of New Young Readers Award. He is being honored for his book "Civil War! America Becomes One Nation."

\ DAVID A. STETLER of the biology department has been appointed associate dean of undergraduate studies in the college of arts and sciences. He has been at Virginia Tech for 20 years.

\ LUCINDA ROY of the English department is the new assistant dean, a recently created, rotating position developed to give women and minorities administrative experience.

\ MICHAEL C. VORSTER, professor of civil engineering, has been appointed interim associate dean for research and graduate studies for the College of Engineering.

\ ROBERT A. PATERSON has assumed duties of interim dean for the College of Arts and Vorster Sciences.

\ HAROLD McNAIR, professor of chemistry, received the Tswett Medal in Chromatography from the Russian Academy of Sciences at the 15th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography in Italy. The honor was presented for his studies and a textbook which has been used for 25 years and translated into 12 languages.

The Ivey F. Lewis Distinguished Service Award of the Virginia Academy of Science was awarded to HAROLD M. BELL, director of undergraduate studies in the chemistry department. He was recognized for two decades of service to the academy, an organization of 1,500 scientists in the state.

Research biologist C. ANDREW DOLLOFF has been appointed project leader for the Coldwater Fisheries Research unit in Blacksburg by the Southeastern Forest Experiment Station of the Forest Service.

\ IRENE LEECH, assistant professor of housing, interior design and resource management, was named a New Achiever for 1993 by the American Home Economics Association.

\ FORREST W. THYE, professor of human nutrition and foods, and ROBERTA M. MINISH, associate dean of the College of Human Resources, have received a $47,998 grant to continue developing a high school science curriculum that focuses on nutrition.

\ RUFINA N. OKEYO, a doctoral candidate, and MARILYN PREHM, associate professor of human nutrition and foods, have been awarded two grants totaling $20,203 from the Rockefeller Foundation to travel to Africa to study fuel wood, time and food consumption.

\ JANET JOHNSON, professor of human nutrition and foods, has a $6,837 grant to study reduced-fat bakery products.

\ ELIZA C. TSE, FRANCIS A. KWANSA and MICHAEL D. OLSEN of the department of hotel, restaurant and institutional management will be developing a strategic and marketing plan for the Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau with a $23,720 grant.

 by CNB