Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, September 25, 1993                   TAG: 9309250142
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B6   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: From Knight-Ridder/Tribune and Associated Press reports
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Seattle Seahawks running back Chris Warren was chosen American Football Conference offensive player of the week for his 174-yard performance in Seattle's 17-14 NFL victory over New England on Sunday.

And while Seahawks coach Tom Flores said it's premature to call Warren one of the game's great running backs, he said the former Ferrum College star definitely belongs on the next tier.

"I think he should be mentioned as a very good back, but we've only played three games," Flores said this week. "I don't even know that some that are mentioned should be mentioned with the great ones yet, [not] until they've done it like O.J. [Simpson] and Jim Brown, some of the great legends of our game, for more than one or two years."

Warren leads the AFC and is third in the league with 288 rushing yards. He is also tops in the AFC and third in the league in total yards from scrimmage, which includes receiving yards, with 362.

His 174 yards Sunday were a career high for the fourth-year veteran and second-year starter. It was the third-highest single-game rushing total in Seahawks history, and he set a club record for carries in a game with 36.

Warren didn't practice Wednesday because of a sore ankle, but the injury is not expected to bother him Sunday when the Seahawks play at Cincinnati.

 by CNB