Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, September 26, 1993                   TAG: 9309260229
SECTION: HORIZON                    PAGE: D-5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


June 21, 1967 - The Air Force forewarns residents of Southwestern Virginia that low-level training missions are planned using eight-engine B-52 bombers.

\ Feb. 12, 1969 - CHECK, FLOYD COUNTY - Two men killed in the crash of a Navy S2E plane.

\ April 13, 1969 - LURAY, PAGE COUNTY - A Navy A6A Intruder from Oceana Naval Air Station in Virginia Beach on a low-level flying mission hits a mountainside in heavy fog, killing two crewmen.

\ Feb. 14, 1977 - ELK GARDEN, RUSSELL COUNTY - Two men killed when an Air Force FB111 crashes while on a low-level training mission. The jet was based at Pease Air Force Base in New Hampshire.

\ Aug. 29, 1979 - ORONOCO, AMHERST COUNTY - A Navy A6 Intruder on a low-level\ mission from Oceana hits a mountain, killing pilot and navigator.\ \ June 28, 1983 - EMPORIA, GREENVILLE COUNTY - A Marine A6 Intruder en route from Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland to the Marine Corps Air Station at Cherry Point, N.C., crashes while on a low-level training flight. One dead, one injured.

\ 1985 - FLOYD - Floyd Agricultural Energy Cooperative, an ethanol manufacturer, complains to the Federal Aviation Administration about low-flying aircraft that may pose a threat to the company's electricity-generating windmill in Floyd County.

\ Jan. 4, 1986 - MOUNT STORM, W.VA. - A low-flying Navy bomber clips a 500,000-volt Virginia Power line west of Harrisonburg. No injuries.

\ June 8, 1987 - RICE, AMELIA COUNTY - An Air Force F-15 Eagle from Langley Air Force Base crashes while on a low-level training mission, killing the pilot.

\ Jan. 6, 1988 - MONTEREY, HIGHLAND COUNTY - A Navy F-14 Tomcat clips a Virginia Power line in Highland County, returns safely to Oceana. No injuries.

\ April 24, 1990 - ROANOKE - A pilot in an F-15E Strike Eagle from Seymour Johnson Air Force Base in Goldsboro, N.C., uses afterburners to rocket high over the Roanoke Regional Airport. The Airport Commission complains to the Air Force about the noise. The pilot, a captain, is relieved of his duties as a formation leader.

\ June 26, 1992 - DELTON, PULASKI COUNTY - A Navy F-14A Tomcat fighter clips a pair of ground wires about 200 feet over the New River just upstream from Claytor Lake. No injuries; jet returns safely to Oceana. Witnesses say two other jets passed beneath the wires just before the Tomcat hit.

\ July 23, 1993 - PAINT BANK, CRAIG COUNTY - A Navy A6E Intruder from Oceana Naval Air Station crashes into Middle Mountain, near Paint Bank in Craig County, while on a low-level training mission. Two crewmen killed.


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