Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, September 27, 1993                   TAG: 9309270131
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


At Salem, freshman Meredith Arnott scored the tying goal with a minute left in regulation and Robin McGlaughlin added two goals in overtime as Roanoke College defeated Virginia Wesleyan 3-1 in women's soccer. Roanoke is 2-4 overall and 2-1 in the Old Dominion Athletic Conference. The Marlins are 1-7 and 1-2.

Mike Henning scored a second-half goal and Matt Britsko put in a penalty kick as Randolph-Macon (7-2) defeated Ferrum 2-0 in soccer. Stevie Reynolds faced 29 shots and had 23 saves for the Panthers (1-6).

At Lexington, Geoff Blum scored with 9:15 left in regulation to give VMI (2-6-1, 0-1-1) a 1-1 tie in double overtime against Georgia Southern (3-3-2, 0-1-1) in Southern Conference soccer.

Three area cyclists placed in the Fall Foliage 40K mountain bike race in the rain at Elk River, W.Va. Mike Weilmuenster of Blacksburg was third in the Men's Sport class and won the seven-race series points championship. Jerry Calbert placed second in the Sport class Sunday, and Jim Lambui was third in the Veteran class. The riders compete for East Coasters Cycling and Fitness in Roanoke.

At Maggie Valley, N.C., Ed Dickinson of Roanoke and Team Red Line was 15th in the Pro Expert field of the North Carolina State Mountain Biking Championship.

Roanoke lost to Northern Virginia in the women's 4.0-level USTA League Sectional Championship in Virginia Beach. The Roanoke team was swept in three matches.


 by CNB