Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, September 30, 1993                   TAG: 9309300053
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Marriott Corp.

Marriott Corp. on Wednesday reported third-quarter net income of $27 million, up from $26 million a year ago. Earnings per share were 21 cents, unchanged from the 1992 quarter. Sales totaled $2 billion, compared to $1.9 billion. Excluding income tax adjustments and lodging dispositions in both years, Marriott posted a 7 percent increase in operating profit, 20 percent higher net income and 15 percent higher earnings per share.

For the nine months, net income was $80 million, or 63 cents per share, compared to $66 million, or 51 cents, for the 1992 period. Sales were $6.3 billion against $5.9 billion.

\ Hillenbrand Industries

Hillenbrand Industries, Batesville, Ind., owner of Medeco Security Locks Inc. and an electronics division at Salem, has reported third-quarter net income of $30 million, or 42 cents per share, up 17.6 percent from $25 million in the 1992 quarter. Net revenues were $340.6 million, up 8.7 percent from $313 million.

For nine months, net income was $100.9 million, or $1.39 per share, up from $92.2 million, or $1.13 per share, for the 1992 period. Net revenues were $1 billion, up from $956.2 million.

\ Food Lion

Food Lion Inc., Salisbury, N.C., supermarket chain with stores in Western Virginia, has reported third-quarter net income of $24.7 million, or 5 cents per share, down 49 percent from $48.5 million, or 10 cents per share, from the 1992 quarter. Sales were $1.8 billion compared with $1.7 billion.

For nine months, net income was $77 billion, or 16 cents per share, down 48.7 percent from $150.8 million, or 31 cents per share, in the 1992 period. Sales were $5.2 billion compared with $4.9 billion.

 by CNB