Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, October 1, 1993                   TAG: 9312220242
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 1   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Almena Hughes
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


To the Star City's numerous distinctions, we can now add its rating as a Capital of Ketchup Consumption.

A recent survey by Heinz U.S.A. - using a Category Development Index, population and product-purchase numbers - ranked Roanoke fifth among the top 10 ketchup-consuming cities in the nation.

New Orleans and Mobile, Ala., tied for top honors, with consumptions of 55.2 percent above average per person, while low man on the ketchup poll was Los Angeles, which fell 40 percent below the norm. Roanoke came in at 37.3 percent above.

The survey didn't track exactly where all that ketchup is being poured. But according to the National Eating Trends Service, hamburgers are the No. 1 ketchup receptacles, followed by hot dogs and then french-fried potatoes. Other popular pouring places include over meatloaf, fish, eggs, baked beans, steak, chicken and sausage.

Kids, of course, have been known to use it to put a little pink in their mashed potatoes. And Heinz representative Pamela Rocco said she once heard of a United States president who liked ketchup in his cottage cheese.

Rocco said Heinz's survey was undertaken to dispute the hullabaloo about salsa outselling ketchup, although she conceded that it might in dollar amounts because salsa costs more. She only casually mentioned Heinz's new salsa-style ketchups. Guess she didn't want to pour it on too thick.

 by CNB