Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, October 3, 1993                   TAG: 9310030003
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: E-4   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Here are some events and roadblocks that state motorists should be cautious about, according to the state Transportation Department:\ \ WESTERN VIRGINIA ROANOKE

\ Fifth Street bridge construction: A new four-lane bridge is being built between Salem and Gilmer avenues. It should be completed by summer.

\ Hollins Road: Between Orange Avenue and the Hollins Road Bridge, new water lines are being installed and long traffic delays are anticipated. The work will continue until late December.\ \ Shenandoah and Centre avenues in Northwest: Beginning Monday, these two roads will be closed between 22nd and 24th streets for two months for the replacement of bridges just east of 24th Street.


\ U.S. 220 signal at Hunting Hills Plaza: Weather permitting, on Tuesday and Wednesday vehicle detectors will be installed in the pavement at U.S. 220 and Va. 1290 (Crossbow Circle). Motorists should expect temporary lane closures and delays.

\ Hunting Hills subdivision improvements: Virginia 1285, 1290, 1291, 1292, 1293, 1294 and 1943 are being upgraded with new drainage facilities and surfaces and to enhance sight distances. Work is expected to last until spring.

\ U.S. 11/460 bridge: At the Montgomery County line, the bridge over the Roanoke River and the railroad is under repair. Two-way traffic is using the westbound lane while repairs are being made on the eastbound side. Speed limit is reduced to 45 mph. Vehicles wider than 9 feet are prohibited. Work to replace the bridge's deck will last until spring.\ \ BOTETOURT COUNTY

\ Virginia 605 reconstruction: In Cloverdale, about 1.4 miles of Virginia 605 is being rebuilt from Virginia 601 in Roanoke County to Virginia 654 in Botetourt County. A one-lane bridge will be replaced with a box culvert. Work will continue into the spring.

\ Virginia 642 reconstruction: Near Buchanan, 2.2 miles of Virginia 642 is being rebuilt from U.S. 11 and Virginia 638. Work will continue till late spring.\ \ BEDFORD

\ Virginia 122 reconstruction: About 0.4 mile of Virginia 122 is being rebuilt, from 0.5 mile north of the intersection of Orange Street and Longwood Avenue. The new road will be paved with asphalt concrete; the project includes new traffic signals. Work will continue through the end of the year.\ \ BEDFORD COUNTY

\ Virginia 43 bridge weight-limit reduction: The weight limit for a bridge on northbound Virginia 43, about 6.1 miles from the Blue Ridge Parkway, has been lowered from 14 tons to 10 tons while repairs are being made. Weight-limit signs are posted.

\ Virginia 221 widening in Forest: From Forest to Lynchburg, the road is being widened from two lanes to five. A stoplight at Enterprise Road is not in use; drivers should watch for stop signs. Work is estimated for completion in December.

\ Virginia 749 road closure: Near Chamblissburg, Virginia 749 is closed between Virginia 24 and 746 to rebuild a bridge. Motorists should use alternate routes. Work should be completed around Oct. 15.\ \ CHRISTIANSBURG

\ U.S. 460 Business widening: Westbound U.S. 460 Business is being widened to two lanes from Cambria Street to the western crossover at Palmer Street. Also, the right turning lane from westbound U.S. 460 Business onto the U.S. 460 bypass is being extended. The project is expected to last about two months.\ \ MONTGOMERY COUNTY

\ I-81 paving: The northbound lanes of Interstate 81 are being resurfaced, starting at the New River bridge and extending about two miles north. Motorists should expect delays.

 by CNB