Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, October 9, 1993                   TAG: 9310090071
SECTION: NATL/INTL                    PAGE: A-2   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: UNITED NATIONS                                LENGTH: Short


South Africa's pariah status and the era of anti-apartheid boycotts ended Friday when the General Assembly lifted economic sanctions against Pretoria.

The action was largely symbolic, because Western nations and the Organization of African Unity already have repealed sanctions they adopted at the General Assembly's behest.

Declaring that South Africa's march to multiracial democracy has begun, the 184-nation assembly put an end to three decades of condemnations and voluntary sanctions ranging from foreign investment to sports. And it urged its members to start doing desperately needed business with South Africa.

"Transition to democracy has now been enshrined in the law of South Africa," the resolution said.

A voluntary oil embargo is to be lifted as soon as a multiracial council that is to help govern the country starts operating. A mandatory Security Council arms embargo will remain in place until a new, freely elected government is formed after the April 27 elections.

Without preamble, the General Assembly adopted a resolution calling for repeal of all the economic sanctions it has urged over the years. The announcement was applauded.

 by CNB