Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, October 10, 1993                   TAG: 9310100168
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-3   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: The Washington Post
DATELINE: WASHINGTON                                LENGTH: Medium


The notoriety that Oliver North gained as a White House aide during the Iran-Contra scandal has made him a millionaire, according to financial disclosure forms the U.S. Senate candidate filed last week.

North, a Virginia Republican, was required to disclose his personal finances because he filed papers formally entering the Senate race last month. He is being opposed for the GOP nomination by former Reagan administration Budget Director James C. Miller.

The Senate seat is held by Democrat Charles Robb, who is being challenged for his party's nomination by Gov. Douglas Wilder and Sylvia Clute, a Richmond lawyer.

North has received about $2 million in personal income in the past 21 months, the federal records show, with most of the money coming from his autobiography and lectures in which he tells his side of the arms-for-hostages deal that rocked the Reagan administration.

The disclosure shows that North took in about $1.7 million in book royalties and speaking fees since January 1992.

Although North repeatedly has described himself in campaign speeches as a small-business man familiar with the problems of running a company, the disclosure shows that North has made no money recently from the bulletproof-vest company he operates.

The filing disclosure estimates that North's ownership share of Guardian Technologies International is worth more than $1 million but indicates that North received no income from it during the period covered by the disclosure.

The disclosure does not indicate how much North received for individual speeches or his book.

During the Iran-Contra affair, North led efforts to win the release of American hostages from Iran by selling arms to that country, in violation of the Reagan administration's stated policy. He later diverted profits from those sales to finance arms sales to the Contra revolutionaries in Nicaragua.

North acknowledged deceiving Congress about his role in the affair and was convicted of several charges. His conviction was set aside when a federal court ruled that statements he made - under immunity - to a congressional panel might have influenced his trial's outcome.

 by CNB