Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, October 14, 1993                   TAG: 9310130369
SECTION: NEIGHBORS                    PAGE: S-34   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


For years, the 84 members of the Greenvale School Auxiliary have used proceeds from their annual bridge party to buy linens, training pants, tumbling mats, library materials and other equipment for the Northwest Roanoke school.

Proceeds from the auxiliary's 59th annual bridge party Tuesday will go to the playgrounds.

The auxiliary is raising money to help renovate the school's three playgrounds to comply with state safety standards that must be met by July 1.

The renovations will cost an estimated $21,000, said Sandra Carroll, executive director of Greenvale School. Approximately $14,000 has been collected through donations and fund-raising efforts.

The auxiliary is hoping to raise a chunk of the rest of the money with its $6 tickets. In the past, the card party - which includes lunch and a fashion show - was held at the school on Westwood Boulevard. This year, it has been moved to First Presbyterian Church, 2101 South Jefferson St., to accommodate the 150 to 200 people expected to attend.

Food and door prizes are donated by community merchants and auxiliary members.

"Auxiliary members do all the work," sid Adele Citron, auxiliary president. "They prepare and serve the food, so there are few expenses. Everything that comes in through the fund-raiser goes to Greenvale School."

Carroll said the safety codes require that a cushioning surface, such as wood mulch or fine sand, be placed underneath and around all playground equipment to minimize injuries from falls.

"We have some cushioning now, but we will have to increase the depth," Carroll said. Some equipment also may have to be moved, modified or replaced, she said.

Bolts and fasteners used on the equipment must have smooth edges with no protrusions, sharp points or pinch points, Carroll said.

The state also regulates the distance between bars on playground equipment to prevent children's heads from getting stuck, Carroll said.

Ground supports for all equipment must be covered with smooth materials that would protect children from injury.

Swing seats must be made of flexible material. The playgrounds also need to be made accessible to the handicapped, Carroll said.

Greenvale's three playgrounds are separated on the school's 3 1/2 acres to accommodate different ages, Carroll said.

The school, a United Way agency, offers year-round day care for children ages 12 months to 12 years. About 250 to 270 children are tended between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. They are served breakfast, lunch and two snacks.

Older children arrive after school to participate in Youth Connection activities. Transportation to and from several elementary schools is provided.

Founded in 1934 by Bertie Breeden Clinevell to be a family support system, Greenvale also provides classroom educational programs and some preventive health screenings. The staff of 47 includes two registered nurses, two speech and language pathologists, a music teacher and early childhood education professionals.

Parents pay for child care according to their ability. The sliding-scale fees account for about 42 percent of the school's operating budget, with additional funds coming from the United Way of the Roanoke Valley, the auxiliary's fund-raising projects, the Edgar A. Thurman Foundation and other private contributions.

The school also sponsors seminars for child-care professionals and parenting programs.

Card-playing starts Tuesday at 10 a.m. At 11 a.m., John Norman Inc. will present adult fashions, and the Greenvale youngsters will model children's fashions from Toad'ly Kids. Throughout the day, door prizes will be awarded. Activities will wrap up around 3 p.m. after a silent auction and a raffle drawing.

 by CNB