Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, October 28, 1993                   TAG: 9310280015
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: A-1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: RADFORD                                LENGTH: Medium


Holding the title of America's oldest person is no big deal to Margaret Skeete, the Radford woman who celebrated her 115th birthday Wednesday.

"I guess that's something, but it doesn't buy me anything," she said.

It does get her a lot of attention, though.

Willard Scott mentioned Skeete's birthday on NBC's "Today" show and a steady stream of friends and news reporters stopped by her townhouse to celebrate the latest milestone.

There were cards and flowers and plenty of Skeete's favorite junk food.

"Make sure you leave me some cake," the former dressmaker told her daughter, Verne Taylor.

When people ask the secret of her mother's longevity, Taylor jokingly refers to her sugar-heavy diet.

"Don't get any exercise, don't drink any water, don't eat any green vegetables. But eat plenty of sweets," she said.

Skeete is nearly blind, has a hard time hearing and needs a walker to get around, but she definitely hasn't lost her sharp sense of humor or the twinkle in her eye.

"I think I've lived a little too long," she said, flashing her best grin. "I can't do anything anymore."

Skeete - featured in the Guinness Book of World Records - no longer reads, writes or sews.

She was born in 1878 - 13 years after the Civil War ended - near Corpus Christi, Texas, and has lived with her daughter's family in Radford since the 1950s.

Skeete has outlived her husband and two of her three children. Taylor won't reveal her own age, saying only: "I'm as old as a turtle."

Patricia Jones, a hospice nurse, said Skeete's overall health is pretty good.

She takes no medication, eats three meals a day and sleeps eight to 10 hours a night.

"She's a very charming little lady and I adore her," Jones said.

There have been a few health setbacks in Skeete's remarkable life.

She won a fight against cancer 19 years ago. Gall bladder surgery postponed her 100th birthday party. But she hasn't visited a hospital since breaking her hip in 1988.

Taylor said her goal is to persuade her mom - who's always worn dresses - to start wearing pants.

"She told me the other day that she'll do that next year," Taylor said.

 by CNB