Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, October 28, 1993                   TAG: 9310280137
SECTION: BUSINESS                    PAGE: B-8   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Kraft General Foods Inc. said Wednesday it has completed the sale of its U.S. ice cream business - the Breyers and Sealtest brands - to Unilever United States Inc. Terms were not disclosed. Unilever is parent of Elizabeth Arden Co. of Roanoke.

\ Telstar Communications Inc., a Providence, R.I., broker and reseller of long distance telephone time operating as Telstar Long Distance, has moved its Roanoke-area office to the Professional Park building, 4502 Starkey Road.

\ The Martinsville-Henry County Committee of 100 Inc., an organization to support economic development and growth, has changed its name to The Partnership for Progress.

\ BellSouth Communication Systems of Roanoke has been awarded a contract to install a new telecommunications system for First Union National Bank of Virginia in the First Union Tower in downtown Roanoke. The system, to be completed by December, will serve 500 employees.

\ The Remodelors Council, a unit of the Roanoke Regional Home Builders Association, has built a wheelchair ramp for Tony Arrington Jr., a Rocky Mount teen-ager who suffered a broken neck and could not be released from a hospital until his home had a ramp. The council provided the materials and labor of its volunteer members.

\ First Virginia Bank-Southwest has opened a branch in the Richfield Retirement Community at 3730 Knollridge Road, Salem. The bank, inside the retirement center's building, is intended to serve the 800 residents and 500 employees of the retirement community.

 by CNB