Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, November 2, 1993                   TAG: 9311020031
SOURCE: Melissa DeVaughn
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Long


Last spring, the Focus 2006 Strategic Planning Commission invited Montgomery County high school students to participate in a logo design contest to be used in the final printed report of the commission. This fall the winners of the contest were recognized at a Focus 2006 meeting.

Brady Stevens, a senior at Christiansburg High School, was awarded first prize for his entry, which depicts the word "Focus" in the center, surrounded by the number 2006.

Brady received prizes from the Blacksburg Rotary Club and J.L. Mac's in Christiansburg. He is the son of Norman and Eleanor Stevens.

The 25-member Focus 2006 Strategic Planning Commission was established by the Montgomery County School Board last fall to develop a long-range plan to tackle important issues in the county's schools.

More than 200 county residents took part in the study, which ultimately will form task forces to address some of these issues. Focus 2006 presented its final recommendations to the School Board in October on some of the issues of concern.

Other winners in the logo contest are: Jason Gabris, second place; Steven Marder, third place; and Eric Childress, honorable mention.

Margaret Beeks Elementary School will hold its annual BOOK FAIR this week in the schools library-media center.

The fair will be held today through 7 p.m., Wednesday from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. and Thursday from 9 a.m.-noon.

For further information, call Anne Hite at 552-8019.

The Christiansburg High School BAND BOOSTERS will meet Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the high school band room. For further information, call 382-1361.

New River Community College will hold a QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION for prospective students Monday at 6:30 p.m. in Richardson Auditorium on campus.

The program is for those who would like to attend New River Community College, but need further information to make the decision. Representatives from financial aid, academic counseling, admissions and other services will be available to talk with prospective students.

For further information, call the office of recruitment at one of the following numbers: 674-3600, 382-4595, 921-4595 or 745-4595.

It's time again for the Ninth Annual SHAWSVILLE CRAFT SHOW. It will be held Saturday from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. at Shawsville Elementary School. More than 50 artists and craftspeople will be selling their wares, and plenty of food will be on sale.

Admission is free. The school is off U.S. 460, 20 minutes east of Christiansburg.

Christiansburg High School guidance counselors will hold an INFORMATION NIGHT Monday at 7 p.m. for juniors and seniors and their parents. The meeting will be held in the girls' health room.

Topics to be discussed include post-graduation plans, college applications, changes in the SAT exam for college entrance and information about college scholarships.

For further information, call 382-5186.

Montgomery County Elementary School guidance counselors have formed a group called "STEPPING STONES TO A GREAT EDUCATION," for parents of children ages 3-6. Meetings are held every month to help parents and their preschool children make a smooth transition from preschool to public schools. This month's meeting will be held Nov. 9 from 7 until 8 p.m. at Christiansburg Primary School.

The topic will be "Reading Readiness," with Sandy Moore as guest speaker.

For further information, call Sherry Reynolds at 951-5737.

Learn more about how to help your child be successful in school at Dalton Intermediate School. Eighth-grade teacher Nancy Lee and guidance counselor Sue Hohenshil will conduct these PARENT HELP SESSIONS Thursday from 6:30 until 7:30 p.m. and Friday from 12:20 until 1:20 p.m. in room 202 of the school.

Also at Dalton, Student Council members are selling pumpkins to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Pumpkins are $1, and students may buy them, put their name on them, then display them throughout the school.

For the rest of the month, Student Council members will hold a toy drive, to give to children in Radford for Christmas.

The Blacksburg Middle School choral department will hold the District VI JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL ALL-DISTRICT CHORUS Saturday at 5 p.m. at Blacksburg High School. Students from Roanoke, Lynchburg, Martinsville and Danville will be at the all-day event.

Students from the New River Valley will participate as well. At Christiansburg High School, Jessica Memitt, Monica Shelor, John deRosset, David Sowers, Erin Lucas, Matt Martin and Ben Rowan were selected to participate in the 200-member choir.

\ RADFORD HIGH SCHOOL Band Boosters are selling fresh Florida fruit again this year to raise money for the organization. Take your choice of white or pink grapefruit, hamlins, tangelos or navel oranges.

Fruit will be picked up at the Radford Armory on Dec. 10 from 5 until 10 p.m. or Dec. 11 from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. To place an order, contact any band member before Nov. 19 or call 639-2660.

Deck your halls with evergreens from the Blacksburg Middle School Parent-Teacher Association. The EVERGREEN SALE includes wreaths and garlands made by a local tree farm, and will last through Nov. 12.

To place an order, call Cherry Pelt at 953-0540 or Jennifer Newcomb at 552-3785. Orders must be picked up Dec. 4 from 9 a.m. until 12 p.m. in the school parking lot. Order forms also may be picked up at the Middle School.

The Blacksburg High School Warrior Band placed second overall in the second annual BLUE DEMON CLASSIC held last month at Christiansburg High School. E.C. Glass High School from Lynchburg was grand champion of the marching band competition.

Blacksburg also received first place in Class AA with a superior rating and Auburn High School was first in Class A with an excellent rating. The Pulaski High School Golden Cougar Band placed first in the percussion competition in Class AAA.

Also, the Christiansburg High School Blue Demon Marching Band participated in the VIRGINIA BAND AND ORCHESTRA DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION MARCHING BAND FESTIVAL\ held in Pulaski and earned a superior rating for the first time in the school's history. The band's color guard also received a superior rating.

The Radford Choral Patrons Association is selling VIRGINIA DINER PEANUTS to raise money for the choral department at Radford High School.

The peanuts will be on sale through Dec. 1, and will be delivered Dec. 5-11. For more information or to order, call Nancy Cogswell at 639-5730.

The PARENT RESOURCE CENTER for Giles County is now open to assist families and teachers of children with disabilities. Margaret Hamilton and Kim Wilder are coordinators of the project and have been working on the center since February.

The center will offer periodic classes that will help assist parents in raising children with special needs. The center is open Thursdays from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. at Eastern Elementary School. For further information, call 921-1912 or 626-7287.

Bhavika Desal was selected as October's Senior of the Month at Christiansburg High School. She is a four-year member of Students Against Drunk Driving, a member of the Student Council and student life editor of the yearbook staff.

Desal also participates in the Key club, the Girls' Athletic Association, Future Business Leaders of America and the Girls' Ensemble. She plays tennis and speaks three languages.

\ NEW TEACHERS have joined Montgomery County schools this year. They are:

\ Rosary Beck teaches eighth grade science at Blacksburg Middle School. Beck was at Prices Fork Elementary School.

\ Donald Williams is the new assistant principal at Auburn High and Middle School. He is a graduate of Shenandoah College and Conservatory of Music, and has been a band director for 13 years. He also has a master's degree from James Madison University and a certificate of advanced studies in educational administration from Virginia Tech.

\ Anita Browning, the new special education teacher at Auburn High and Middle School, attended Bluefield State College on a basketball scholarship, graduating in 1991. She previously taught in Logan County, W.Va.

\ Chris Burton, previously a coordinator of special education at Auburn High and Middle School, is now the special education specialist. She is a graduate of the University of North Carolina, Illinois State University, the University of Nebraska and Virginia Tech.

\ Susan Childress, another new special education teacher at Auburn High and Middle School, graduated from William and Mary College and has a master's degree from Virginia Commonwealth in special education. She previously taught at Belle Heth in Radford.

\ Steven Wright is Auburn High and Middle School's new guidance counselor and football coach. He taught at Christiansburg High School for seven years and has three children. He is a graduate of Emory & Henry College and has a master's in high school guidance and counseling from Radford University.

\ Frederic Clark and Lee Higgins join Auburn High and Middle School as classroom aides. Clark is certified to teach art in kindergarten through grade 12 and student-taught at Auburn last year.

Higgins is from Virginia Beach, and attended James Madison University and Phillips Business College. She is married with two children.

If you have an interesting news item from your school, write to Melissa DeVaughn at P.O. Box 540, Christiansburg 24073.

 by CNB