Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, November 3, 1993                   TAG: 9311030330
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-6   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: HALIFAX                                LENGTH: Medium


Halifax County's governing board, hoping to avoid a turf war between two community colleges, has asked the state to direct the schools to work together to establish a permanent campus in the county.

Danville Community College and Southside Virginia Community College offer classes in Halifax County, but neither has a campus there.

The county's economic development commission last week recommended that Danville Community College become the area's "designated" community college. Such a move would reduce duplication of services, boost industrial recruitment by enhancing training opportunities and pave the way for a satellite campus, the panel said.

In a letter to Arnold R. Oliver, chancellor of the Virginia Community College System, the Board of Supervisors agreed that the county needs "a physical campus of a community or four-year college."

The supervisors asked the state Board of Community Colleges to "charge Danville Community College and Southside Virginia Community College with the responsibility to develop a permanent campus in Halifax County or South Boston."

Oliver said that "it's far too early to make any decision as far as a campus. The development of a permanent campus is a very major step."

Oliver, former president of Danville Community College, said he has told the state board he would make no recommendations on the Halifax County situation. He urged the board to seek advice from an outside consultant.

Bill Confroy, a member of the economic panel, said that although the supervisors rejected his group's recommendation, the board's position "is responsible and responsive to the commission's desire, and the issue is on the table."

Southside Virginia President John Cavan said the supervisors' position could prompt a group effort by his school, Danville Community and Longwood College, which operates a continuing education center near South Boston.

"Our whole position was one of cooperation and working together," Cavan said.

 by CNB