Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, November 4, 1993                   TAG: 9311050311
DATELINE: CHRISTIANSBURG                                 LENGTH: Medium


When it comes to canneries, no one can fault the Montgomery County School Board for not communicating.

They've discussed it at public hearings, and at Tuesday night's meeting, decided to inform the county's Board of Supervisors of its impending vote before taking action. The board also asked for time to review a capital improvements plan and asked the school administration to revise a formula for spending $300,000.

The board had been expected to vote on the school administration's recommendation to close the community cannery at Blacksburg Middle School, which would leave only one public cannery at Auburn High School in Riner.

School Superintendent Herman Bartlett said the middle school will need four more classrooms if enrollment projections ring true. If the cannery is closed, it could provide space for two.

At public hearings, cannery users have said the Riner facility was too small, and have asked that the Blacksburg one remain open.

But on Tuesday, board members passed on the issue, agreeing to let the county's Board of Supervisors know about their plans to vote on the recommendation. They said they would vote during their next meeting, Nov. 16.

``I think it would be politically appropriate [and] in the interests of harmony'' to communicate, said member Donald Lacy. ``Why not say to other parties in this enterprise, `Let's talk.'''

But David Moore, pressing for action, said, ``I don't think there's anyone over there [on the Board of Supervisors] that doesn't know what we're doing.''

Nov. 16 is the absolute day the decision needs to be made, said Chairman Roy Vickers.

In other planned action, the board told the administration to revise its presentation of a spending plan for reversion contingency funding - an additional $307,740 of funding derived from savings out of last year's budget. Board members were either confused with some of the elements from the single- page report, or disagreed with how the financial figures were derived.

The board decided to review a revised capital improvement program listing before voting on whether to approve it.

The board also listened to secretaries and school bus drivers present their proposals for salary adjustment for next year.

The secretarial association is asking that years of experience recognized in figuring salary scales be adjusted to include only the years served with the county's schools. They also are asking for a supplement to recognize post secondary-school education, and simplification of employee levels, from the current 10 levels to two.

Larry Schoff, director of facility maintenance and transportation, asked the board to approve a request that would give bus drivers insurance and retirement benefits, a slight increase in daily pay and compensation for training time.

The board did pass one, final item -the administration's regular personnel report - unanimously.

 by CNB