Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, November 5, 1993                   TAG: 9311060193
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 1   EDITION: METRO  
SOURCE: Joe Kennedy
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Long


LIFT EVERY VOICE: The Roanoke Valley Choral Society will open its 1993-94 season with a concert Sunday afternoon at 4 in the splendor of St. Andrew's Catholic Church in Roanoke. Music from five centuries will be presented with a cappella choir, double chorus and organ.

Members of the Brass Dominion and Friends will join in the program. Jeffrey Sandborg will direct the chorus. Tickets are $15. Call 343-9127 or pick up tickets at Heironimus department stores.


The Virginia Gentlemen, the barbershop harmony choir of the Roanoke Valley, will present its 24th annual show, ``The Melody Lingers On,'' Saturday night at 8 in Cave Spring High School auditorium. The program will include a salute to Irving Berlin and an appearance from BSQ, a champion quartet from Maryland and New Jersey.

A portion of the proceeds will be given to the Roanoke Valley Speech and Hearing Center. Tickets are at Travelmasters at Townside Shopping Center, Auto Trim Design in Vinton and The Tax Man on Peters Creek Road. Or you can call 343-4780. The prices are $8 for general admission, $6 for citizens and groups of 10 or more and $5 for students.

CLEAR SONGS: Chanticleer, a renowned, 12-member a cappella vocal ensemble, will perform in concert Tuesday night at 8 in Keller Theatre of Washington and Lee University in Lexington and Thursday night at 8 at Curfman Auditorium of Covington High School in Covington. For ticket information about the Tuesday concert, call 463-8000. Tickets to the Covington concert are $15 and $12, and the number is 962-6220.

TALES OF THE HEART:o Reba McEntire, only one the biggest names in country music, will appear at the Roanoke Civic Center coliseum Sunday night at 7:30. Also on the bill are John Michael Montgomery and

Matthews, Wright and King. Tickets are $21 from Ticketmaster or the civic center box office.

OPERA BARGAIN: The New River Opera Theater will present Giochacchino Rossini's comic masterpiece, ``The Barber of Seville,'' tonight and Saturday night at 8 and Sunday afternoon at 3 in the 1908 Courthouse in Independence. This is community opera, with leading roles held by a physician, a choir director, a hostel director/priest and charter members of what bills itself as ``the world's smallest, indigenous opera company.''

You gotta love 'em. Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for students. For information, call 236-9288.

FAST FORWARD:o The Moveri Dance Company of Hollins College will present works by the college's faculty and guest artists Thursday through Nov. 13 at 8:15 p.m. in Hollins Theatre. Tickets are $5 for general admission and $3 for students, senior citizens and children under age 12.

LICORICE STICK: David Widder of the Virginia Tech music faculty will be the soloist on Rossini's Variations for Clarinet and Orchestra during Sunday's New River Valley Symphony concert in Burruss Auditorium on the Tech campus in Blacksburg.

Show time is 8 p.m.

The program also will include Mozart's ``Don Giovanni'' Overture, Debussy's ``Premiere Rhapsodie'' and Howard Hanson's ``Romantic Symphony,'' Symphony No. 2.

Tickets are $5 and $3. Call 231-5615.

SOUVLAKI, PASTICHIO AND FASOULAKIA: No, that's not a Greek rap group. Those are three of the dishes on the menu at ``Holiday in Athens '93,'' a supper Sunday from noon to 7 at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Roanoke.

The day of Greek culture will also include Greek music and dancing, tours of the church and a bake sale. Dinner admission is $12.50. Call 362-3601.

TWO FOR YOU: The Roanoke Council of Garden Clubs will present its Holiday House Christmas bazaar Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 2713 Avenham Ave. in South Roanoke. Admission is free. Proceeds go toward the group's beautification projects, education programs and maintenance of the Garden Center.

And the Virginia Mountain Crafts Guild will present its Holiday in the Valley Arts and Crafts Show today through Sunday at the Salem Civic Center.

BRING HIM HOME: If you're a fan of ``Les Miserables,'' you know that's a key song in the show. The musical will run Tuesday through Nov. 14 at the Roanoke Civic Center auditorium. Tickets are $39.50 and $15. Call 343-8100 or the box office for info. Show times are 7:30 nightly and 2 in the afternoon on Nov. 13 and 14. Call 343-8100 or 981-1201.

By the way, scattered tickets for Tuesday and Wednesday nights' shows are offered at a $10 discount today through Sunday at all ticket locations. Mostly in the balcony, the seats cost $29.50 downstairs and $5 up.

The thinking is that most everyone who wanted prime seats has gotten them, and these weeknight remainders might not go unless their desirability is enhanced in this way.

IN A GREAT TRADITION: Thom Bresch and Brad Jones will play their guitars tonight from 7 to 9:30 in Whitman Hall at Virginia Western Community College in Roanoke. This means something, for Bresch is the son of the late music legend Merle Travis, who originated a picking style that is famous to this day and who wrote such songs as ``Nine Pound Hammer'' and ``Sixteen Tons.'' Bresch sings, too.

Jones is the Bedford County resident who moves household goods when he's not playing his guitar on European tours with colleagues like Bresch, Larry Coryell and other celebrated fretmeisters. Tickets are $10 at the door.

Memo: ***CORRECTION***

by CNB