Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, November 7, 1993                   TAG: 9311050278
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 8   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Heather Noel Armstrong and David Christopher Cassada were united in marriage at a candlelight ceremony on November 6, 1993 at seven o'clock at Windsor Hills United Methodist Church with Reverend D. Michael Meloy and Reverend Tammy L. Estep officiating.

The bride was escorted by her father. Allyson Armstrong served as her sister's maid of honor. The bridesmaids were Catherine Kern of Charlottesville, Virginia, sister of the groom, Robin Franklin of Savannah, Georgia, cousin of the bride, Sarah Maddox Barnes of Richmond, Virginia, Leigh Cubitt of Atlanta, Georgia, Melissa Kirk of Morgantown, West Virginia and Kim Lynch of Athens, Georgia, friends of the bride.

Dr. William A. Cassada, Jr., father of the groom, served as best man. Groomsmen were Dr. William A. Cassada III of Richmond, Virginia and Garland Cassada of Charlotte, North Carolina, brothers of the groom. Dr. John Kern of Charlottesville, Virginia, brother-in-law of the groom and Hunter Armstrong of Lexington, Virginia, brother of the bride, Charles Fitch of Atlanta, Georgia and Stewart Flippen of Richmond, Virginia, friends of the groom.

Wedding music was presented byRoseanne Burgess, organist, Gail Ware, soloist and Anna Marie Kresge, violinist. Guest book attendants were Wendy and Kelly Franklin of Knoxville, Tennessee, cousins of the bride. Program attendant was Beth Shiner of Richmond, Virginia, friend of the bride.

The bride wore a gown of diamond white tupioni silk with venise lace accenting the sweetheart neckline, long tapered sleeves and the chapel length train. Her headpiece was of matching silk and lace with a chapel length veil of illusion. She carried a bouquet of white roses.

The bride is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. David L. Armstrong and the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Franklin of Dandridge, Tennessee and Mrs. Allen Armstrong of Batavia, New York and the late Dr. Allen Armstrong. Heather is a graduate of Cave Spring High School and Salem College in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. She is currently a senior supervisor with Kelly Temporary Services in Charlottesville, Virginia.

The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Cassada, Jr. of Chesterfield, Virginia. He is a graduate of North Cross School and Washington and Lee University. David is currently a fourth year student at the University of Virginia School of Medicine and intends to pursue a career in general surgery.

After a candlelight reception at Hidden Valley Country Club, the couple left for a honeymoon in The Cayman Islands. They will make their home in Charlottesville, Virginia.

 by CNB