Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, November 7, 1993                   TAG: 9311090247
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


After reading the letters about ``pornography'' in the Oct. 24

Current, we rushed to our recycling pile to see what we had missed.

Not much!

Pat West's work is neither pornographic nor disgusting by any reasonable standards. We hope your newspaper will not be swayed by the censorship of a few prim, sanctimonious and narrow-minded readers.

Lynne and Paul Knox


Should've named the architects

The article in the Oct. 24 Current about the newly renovated and expanded Blacksburg Presbyterian Church building dismayed me because the reporter neglected to name the architects who designed the project. The piece praised the design and also the workmanship of the new addition, and rightly so, but there was no mention of the construction firm.

The journalist has a byline, the church's two pastors are named and the community programs that will benefit from the expansion are named. It is even noted that ``the handsome building looks so good it won a Civic Beautification Award.'' It was clearly an oversight that the names of those most responsible for the beautiful new addition were omitted.

Too many newspapers have long been remiss in crediting the architects and contractors of projects, but I am sure that the Roanoke Times & World-News is willing to honor those to whom honor is due.

Wilma Favrao


EDITOR'S NOTE: The Roanoke Times & World-News certainly did not intend to slight the local architects who designed the church expansion. Leonard J. Currie and Orrin W. Arvold, both of Blacksburg, designed the addition. Avis Construction Co. of Roanoke was responsible for the construction work.

Pat West makes art

Well, well. A gentle and loving piece of art is a piece of pornography? If beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, so it seems must be pornography.

What a poor, barren world the benighted must live in: how do they stand walking around in their self-shamed bodies all day? How can they ever escape?

Pat West makes art. The New River Current had a touch of class. Go complain to Michelangelo.

Chris Munger


Halloween always on a Saturday?

A majority of counties celebrated trick or treating on Saturday, Oct. 30, to avoid having children out late on Sunday, Oct. 31, before a school day. My concern is what will counties do next year when Halloween falls on Monday?

Will the same consideration s be made for the children of our community? Will Halloween be on Saturdays now? Was the actual changing of Halloween due to our children and school issues, or was the change due to Halloween being on a Sunday?

Gloria Venable


Thanks for aid after accidento

On Oct. 21 my husband, Joe Broce, was involved in a motorcycle accident on Prices Fork Road when a deer crossed in front of him. We owe special thanks to one man whose name we don't know who stopped to help my husband. He called the ambulance and then me so I could be with my husband. We are especially thankful to Sam Roop and Kenny Smith for staying until the ambulance arrived.

The staff of the emergency room and X-ray department at Radford Community Hospital were superb in their expert attention

to Joe's needs. In 23 years as a nurse I have seen many emergency situations and this team delivered meticulous medical treatment with a degree of compassion that was greatly appreciated during a very anxious time.

All of you make this community a wonderful place to live.

Deborah Broce


Porn is in eye of the beholder

The legal test of pornography lies with the beholder, judged by how a ``normal person'' would react. Either I am an undersexed, jaded or normal person, as I have never found Pat West's sculpture of a young woman pornographic. Contrarily, it is beautiful, meditative, and I think, an Eve archetype.

It saddens me that in this community people should find the human body obscene. I would wager that if all of the children in this community were paraded by this sculpture, not one would entertain prurient thoughts. I applaud the New River Current for printing a photograph of this work of ART.

Mary North


 by CNB