Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, November 10, 1993                   TAG: 9311100204
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-2   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Former Roanoke Mayor Noel Taylor called Julian Moore "a man for others."

Moore died Monday after a battle with cancer.

The Roanoke school administrator and former head of the Opportunities Industrialization Center was 64.

In 1970, Moore, then principal Moore of Lucy Addison High School, was appointed by the Roanoke School Board to the post of coordinator of human relations. His main task: to lead a program designed to alleviate problems arising from the desegregation of the city's schools.

"During all the years that I've known him," Taylor said, "he not only impressed me with the quality of his work, but with his compassion for people. This community can thank the Lord for the courage he possessed."

Taylor said Moore can be judged by his greatest contribution - using his abilities to ensure that others have a better quality of life.

William Hackley, assistant superintendent and director of administration for the Roanoke school system, said Moore was truly endowed with a special gift.

"He could disarm angry people with his smile and his caring," Hackley said. "To me, he was a mentor."

Taylor said another of Moore's lasting legacies was his work with the industrialization center, an anti-poverty initiative that trained thousands of unskilled people.

Taylor was president of the center's board of directors when Moore was hired.

After two years as coordinator of human relations, Moore served as director of pupil personnel services. He later was named assistant superintendent for student support services and served as ombudsman for the city's schools until his retirement in 1989.

A memorial service for Moore will be held at noon Thursday at St. Paul United Methodist Church.

 by CNB