Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, November 11, 1993                   TAG: 9311110056
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-1   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: IRVING, TEXAS                                LENGTH: Medium


Jimmy Johnson got one of his "Miami boys" as insurance for another Dallas Cowboys' Super Bowl run, signing Bernie Kosar to a one-year deal Wednesday as a backup to injured Troy Aikman.

Kosar, who was cut unexpectedly on Monday by the Cleveland Browns, made it clear he's not after Aikman's job and just wants a chance at a Super Bowl ring. Three times he led the Browns to the AFC title game only to lose.

"There's no question Troy Aikman is one of the most brilliant quarterbacks in the league and no way am I here competing for his job," Kosar said. "The shot at a Super Bowl ring was a big factor why I came to Dallas."

Miami, Kansas City and Philadelphia tried to woo Kosar, but his loyalty to his old college coach, Johnson, was too strong.

"Loyalty means a lot to me," Kosar said. "They showed a lot of confidence and trust in me. I don't intend to let anybody down."

Aikman, who is trying to overcome a pulled left hamstring, took the arrival of the veteran Kosar in stride and didn't see him as a threat.

"I think it's good," Aikman said. "I think it's good for the team."

Aikman's hamstring was still sore on Wednesday and he said "if there was a game today I couldn't play."

The Cowboys signed Kosar to a one-year deal in the $500,000 range. Kosar got a check for more than $2 million when he was paid off by the Browns.

"We jumped at a chance to get someone the quality of Bernie," Cowboys owner Jerry Jones said. "To have him on this team is a tremendous luxury."

Kosar immediately checked out a uniform with the No. 18 (punter John Jett has No. 19) and began studying the Cowboys playbook. He was on the field for the afternoon practice.

Johnson said he would decide Sunday whether to start Aikman, Jason Garrett or Kosar.

"For the average quarterback it would be almost impossible to go to another team and start in four days but it could happen," Johnson said. "I'll watch practice and see how much he can pick up. . . . I do know this: Bernie Kosar is a winner. He took the Browns to the playoffs five straight years."


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