Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, November 13, 1993                   TAG: 9311130065
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


The Roanoke Express got its "Moose" back Friday, but it cost the East Coast Hockey League team.

After lifting an indefinite suspension of Roanoke left wing Dave "Moose" Morissette on Friday morning, ECHL Commissioner Pat Kelly fined the Express $250 for what he deemed to be a "premeditated attack" by Morissette on Charlotte forward Jason Clarke during the Checkers' 3-1 victory Tuesday at the Roanoke Civic Center.

"I think Pat was upset because there were some quotes in the paper and on the radio before the game regarding Dave's desire to seek revenge on Clarke," said Frank Anzalone, the Express' coach.

Morissette had been injured Nov. 3 when he was slashed by Clarke during a game in Charlotte, N.C.

"The final nail in the coffin as to why Pat suspended him was when we had [Morissette] on the ice after the game as the star of the game, though all he did was fight," Anzalone said.

Pierre Paiement, Roanoke's general manager, said the club would not appeal the $250 fine.

"This whole thing was one big misunderstanding as far as I'm concerned," Paiement said. "Pat feels like we staged this whole thing. It didn't work that way.

"It was an oversight on our part that Moose was named the No. 1 star of the game. But we do want everybody to know that we don't condone this kind of stuff. We're correcting the situation and it's all done as far as I'm concerned."

Morissette, who missed Roanoke's game in Richmond on Wednesday because of the suspension, was back in the Express' lineup Friday in Raleigh, N.C.

 by CNB