Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, November 13, 1993                   TAG: 9311130196
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-2   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Mike Scharnus knew his Liberty team had to take care of business at home Friday night to have a shot at the Group AA Division 4 Region III football playoffs.

The Minutemen did just that, crushing Altavista 30-0 in a Seminole District game - but they still they fell short of the playoffs.

Liberty needed Salem, Amherst and Jefferson Forest to win Friday night to clinch a spot in the Region III playoffs. Salem's loss to Northside gave Rockbridge County the final regional playoff berth in Division 4 and knocked the Minutemen out of the playoffs.

"We're disappointed, but that is what happens when you have to depend on other teams," Scharnus said. "We had a chance to take care of things earlier [in the season], but we did not do it. I'm still proud of our kids and our record for this season."

The Minutemen (7-3 overall, 7-3 district) struck first. After Altavista (3-7, 3-7) turned over the ball on downs at the Liberty 25-yard line, the Minutemen began a seven-play drive that culminated in Greg Richie's 8-yard touchdown run. The extra point gave Liberty a 7-0 lead.

"I saw an opening and broke through the line," Richie said. "The line did a good job of allowing me to get past the line of scrimmage and into their defensive backfield."

On the third play of Altavista's next possession, quarterback Dexter Woodruff's pass was intercepted by J.J. Coles, and Liberty took over on its 46.

Quarterback Mike Padgett hit Johnny Cash on the third play of the drive for a 44-yard gain to the Altavista 7. Three plays later, Richie, who rushed for 86 yards on 10 carries, took it in from the 3-yard line. The extra point gave Liberty a 14-0 lead.

"We tried to mix up the run and the pass tonight," Scharnus said. "We did a better job than we have been, but I still think that we could have executed better."

 by CNB