Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, November 18, 1993                   TAG: 9311180047
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: CHARLESTON, S.C.                                LENGTH: Medium


A woman may attend classes with cadets at The Citadel while her lawsuit challenging the military college's all-male admissions policy is heard, an appeals court ruled Wednesday.

Shannon Faulkner's lawsuit says The Citadel's all-male corps is unconstitutional. She would be the first women to attend day classes with cadets in The Citadel's 151-year history. Women are allowed in night and summer classes.

U.S. District Judge C. Weston Houck ruled in August that Faulkner could attend day classes, but not participate in the military program until her lawsuit was resolved. No trial date has been set; the lawsuit will be heard in Houck's court.

The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond upheld Houck's order Wednesday, attorneys for Faulkner and The Citadel said.

"We're ecstatic," said Suzanne Coe, Faulkner's attorney. "Every single day has been a waiting game. There is going to be a collective sigh of relief."

The appeals court said it would release its decision today. Citadel attorney Dawes Cooke said the school would decide whether to appeal after reviewing the decision.

The Citadel kept Faulkner from enrolling this semester by appealing Houck's order. Coe said her client, who now attends the University of South Carolina at Spartanburg, probably would register next semester.

"I'll call The Citadel and we'll get Shannon down there and see what we can work out," she said. "We'll register right away and see what we can do."

Faulkner, who had references to her gender removed from her high school transcript, was briefly admitted to The Citadel earlier this year. The school kicked her out when it learned she is a woman.

The Citadel and Virginia Military Institute are the only two state-supported, all-male military colleges in the nation. VMI has proposed creating a women's leadership program at nearby Mary Baldwin College as an alternative to admitting women. A federal judge will hold a hearing on that plan in January.

 by CNB