Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, November 25, 1993                   TAG: 9311250151
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


First Union National Bank said Wednesday it has scheduled a job fair next month, hoping to find work for about 100 employees displaced by its purchase of Dominion Bankshares.

The final round of layoffs associated with the bank sale is not scheduled before early next year. But the company said 100 to 125 workers are signed up for help finding work because they either have lost their jobs with the company or know they soon will.

Human resources directors in the Roanoke Valley are being asked to attend a three-hour job fair at 9 a.m. on Dec. 8 at the First Union Service Center on Plantation Road.

The fair will be held in connection with the bank's Career Transaction Center, which was created to help laid-off employees find employment.

Jean Dixon, manager of the center, said she had no figures on the number of former employees who are seeking jobs. Nor did she know how many industries will send representatives to the fair.

But David Furman, director of human resources for First Union National Bank of Virginia, said about 100 to 125 former employees are actively seeking work through the career center.

About 850 workers in the Roanoke Valley were affected by the merger of Dominion Bankshares into First Union Corp. of Charlotte, N.C.

First Union is moving operations to Roanoke that are expected to add at least 650 new jobs by the end of next year. Furman said displaced Dominion workers have first option on job vacancies at the bank for which they qualify.

The numbers are complicated by the fact that some bank workers who had been scheduled to lose their jobs with the bank by the end of this year have been given new end dates, Furman said. That means some people won't be laid off until February or March.

The Career Transaction Center said it is seeking jobs for former employees with experience in administration, financial accounting, data processing, sales, marketing, clerical, secretarial and a variety of banking skills.

 by CNB