Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, November 30, 1993                   TAG: 9311300146
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-3   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Police say a Roanoke man got all fired up when another man tried to stop him from starting his chainsaw in the house - near a 2-week-old baby.

After being told Saturday night that he shouldn't start his chainsaw in the house with the infant nearby, police say the man slashed David Lee Sink, 18, across the leg.

Sink told police that he had tried to get away before getting cut on the thigh. Police couldn't determine why the man started a chainsaw in the house.

Officers took the chainsaw and Michael Wayne Palmer, 23, into custody. He's been charged with malicious wounding.

In other police news:

Timothy Lee Buford, 17, walked out of an establishment on 11th Street Northwest on Sunday night when a man pulled out a chrome handgun and shot him in the abdomen. The man chased him and kept firing and struck Buford again, in the shoulder. Buford was taken to Community Hospital by a friend.

Paul Witt, 18, and three teen-age companions, face burglary and larceny charges after a Roanoke County police dog found them hiding behind spools of carpet Sunday morning at Happy's Flea Market on Williamson Road.

Mary Brown, 31, was to undergo surgery to remove a bullet in or near her liver. Police found Brown with a bullet wound in her lower right shoulder after a caller reported hearing a "popping" sound outside an apartment on Marshall Avenue Southwest on Friday morning.

 by CNB