Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, November 30, 1993                   TAG: 9311300169
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-4   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


M. Carl Andrews is calling it quits after 24 year.

For more than two decades, he has been chairman of the Mill Mountain Development Committee.

Andrews has been the glue that has kept the committee together as the watchdog on development atop the mountain.

In some ways, he has been a protector of the mountain.

Andrews, a retired editor of the editorial page of the former Roanoke World-News, cited health reasons in stepping down as chairman. He will remain a member of the committee, which was appointed by City Council in 1969 to oversee development on the mountain.

Carl Kopitzke was elected chairman Monday after Andrews read his letter resigning the post.

Andrews recalled some of the changes on the mountain in the past quarter-century.

They included constructing the Fishburn Parkway, expanding and refurbishing the parking lot, renovating the overlook at the star, building restrooms and enlisting the help of the Mill Mountain Garden Club to beautify the top of the mountain.

"Twenty four years is a long time to hold such a post," said Andrews, adding it is time for a change.

Mayor David Bowers presented Andrews with a key to the city for his years as chairman.

Committee members also discussed the possibility of asking former Mayor Noel Taylor to serve on the committee. They said Taylor has long been interested in the mountain.

 by CNB