Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, December 1, 1993                   TAG: 9312010183
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: PETERSBURG                                LENGTH: Medium


A Petersburg High School teacher convicted of molesting five of his teen-age students was given a suspended prison term Tuesday.

Charles J. Harkrader, 49, received a 45-year suspended prison sentence, conditioned on probation and psychological treatment. Any probation violation could result in his serving the entire 45-year term.

Harkrader was convicted on nine counts of taking indecent liberties with minors.

Circuit Judge James D'Alton Jr. said he agonized over the decision, saying it was difficult to balance the weight of the crime against Harkrader's good teaching record. The judge considered statements from the victims, as well as statements from Harkrader's friends, relatives, colleagues and other students.

Acknowledging the emotional and psychological damage the five girls have suffered, D'Alton said Harkrader already has been punished to a large extent because he has been publicly humiliated and lost his job.

"It's hard to envision how much more you could do in terms of punishment," said D'Alton.

Commonwealth's Attorney Cassandra S. Burns had urged that Harkrader spend time in jail or prison. She declined to comment on the sentence.

A mother of one victim said she was surprised by the sentence.

"It's unfair," she said. "It's too light. My daughter didn't get off like that. She's hurt for life.

"What's to say he won't do it again."

A Petersburg High School teacher for more than 22 years, Harkrader was arrested in February after a 15-year-old girl told authorities the biology teacher had fondled her. Within a week, four other girls came forward, accusing the teacher of molesting them in his classroom when no one else was present. The girls said Harkrader made sexual advances toward them and, in some cases, fondled them.

Harkrader, who pleaded innocent in July, said the students lied about or misinterpreted his actions. He said the girls brought the charges in retaliation for his disciplining one of them.

Harkrader declined to comment as he left court Tuesday.

 by CNB