Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, December 2, 1993                   TAG: 9312020038
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Get violence off television or government will do it for you, New York Gov. Mario Cuomo is warning broadcasters.

The New York governor urged members of the International Radio and Television Society on Tuesday to join a campaign against the proliferation of sex and violence in television and other media.

He cited the current push in Congress for greater government regulation of the media as crime, drugs and other social problems worsen.

"Maybe instead of regulation by government, we should consider trying a little regulation by ourselves," Cuomo said. "Shouldn't we, especially the parents among us, be doing more to reject the violence and filth we see around us?"

Marla Maples and Donald Trump are way beyond well-heeled, but this week they filed a $35 million lawsuit against her former publicist, Chuck Jones, the man accused of stealing Maples' shoes from her apartment. The couple now accuse Jones of stalking Maples and "watching her every move for hours at a time." The lawsuit claims Jones "engaged in a premeditated campaign of harassment and intimidation so frightening to Ms. Maples that she was forced to relocate out of state out of fear for her safety and for the safety of her newborn child."

Jones denied the new allegations. "How trendy," he said. "Everyone is being stalked. That is absolute nonsense. . . . The only stalking that I'm aware of was when Marla Maples was stalking somebody else's husband."

"It is over. Luke still has his die-hard fans, and I'm sure some girls will go, `Oh, I can't believe it!' But they're also a little more jaded these days. They'll also say, `Oh, perhaps he'll get divorced." - Stacey Fleck, an editor for teen fanzines Bop and Big Bopper, on "Beverly Hills, 90210" hunk Luke Perry's wedding to Minnie Sharp, in People magazine.

Charleton Heston is being honored as master imagemaker for a world of images.

The actor is getting the Hollywood Women's Press Club award for the individual who presents the best image of the entertainment industry to the world.

Heston, whose film credits include "The Ten Commandments" and "Ben Hur," will receive the award on Dec. 11, club spokeswoman June Beland said Tuesday.

 by CNB