Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, December 2, 1993                   TAG: 9312040022
SECTION: NEIGHBORS                    PAGE: S-15   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Christmas parades start tonight in Vinton

The Vinton Christmas parade, tonight at 7, begins kicks off a weekend of Roanoke Valley parades.

The Vinton parade begins at the Roanoke County Career Center on Gus Nicks Boulevard, proceeds down Gus Nicks to Pollard Street, then turns right and goes to Cleveland Avenue. It then turns left, goes one block and turns left again on Maple Street, then turns right up Washington Street to the War Memorial. There are 80 entries this year.

For more information, call 343-1364.

The Salem Christmas parade is Friday at 6:30 p.m. and will start at the post office on Shank Street, proceed down Main Street to College Avenue, turn right there and go to Boulevard. There are 100 entries and a record nine bands.

The rain date is Monday at 6:30 p.m. For more information, call 387-0267.

The Roanoke Christmas parade will be Saturday at 12:40 p.m., starting at Victory Stadium. It will go down Jefferson Street to Salem Avenue and end at Third Avenue. For information, call 981-2637.

The Fincastle Christmas parade will be held Saturdayat 2 p.m. and will form at Breckinridge Elementary School and return to the school. All bands participating will receive an honorarium.

\ Anthology has work by former Roanoker

David H. Campbell, formerly of Roanoke, is a contributor in a new anthology, "Boyhood, Growing Up Male."

The anthology is a collection of 44 personal and multicultural accounts showing how boys are trained to become men.

Campbell was born in Galax and grew up in Roanoke, where he graduated from Patrick Henry High School. He is the son of Sandy and Bob Hill of 2924 West Club Drive in Salem, and the late Lorne Campbell.

He is the author of a short story collection, "Too Many Pieces," and the screenplay, "A Full Moon and Judy Garland's Funeral."

Campbell, who lives in Vashon Island, Wa., recently completed a new novel, "Dancing on the Cellar Door," scheduled for publication in 1994.

\ RAM seeks donors, recipients for baskets

RAM House, a program of Roanoke Area Ministries, is seeking people who want to donate food baskets to needy families and individuals during Christmas.

The social service program also will interview and screen individuals who are seeking assistance Dec. 6-10 at RAM House, 824 Campbell Ave. S.W., from 9 a.m. until noon.

Those wishing to donate baskets or make donations for baskets should call Susan Adams at 345-9786.

 by CNB