Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, December 4, 1993                   TAG: 9312040272
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: C1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Trying somehow to get his Roanoke Express jump-started, coach Frank Anzalone went to his least-liked whip Friday night.

"I had to do something," Anzalone said. "I don't like to do it, but I had to make some threats."

Well, like it or not, they worked.

After Anzalone stuck a well-placed burr under its saddle, the Express stormed back from a three-goal deficit to nip the Charlotte Checkers 6-5 before 4,336 fans at the Roanoke Civic Center.

Anzalone refused to go into specifics about his verbal tongue-lashing delivered at the first intermission, with Charlotte leading 3-1.

"Let's just say it was something inspirational and leave it at that," said Roanoke alternate captain Pat Ferschweiler.

Goalie Dan Ryder offered further insight.

"Frank basically said to us, either go out and do the job or he'll get somebody else that can," Ryder said.

After Charlotte's Matt Robbins danced around new defenseman Paul Ohman and made it 4-1 just 1 minute, 26 seconds into the second period, the Express played like it was possessed.

Ferschweiler got the comeback started, beating Checkers goalie Scott Hunter on a move usually reserved for NHL highlight films. Ferschweiler took a pass from Lev Berdichevsky on the fly in the slot and stuffed the puck behind his back past Hunter.

Russian Oleg Yashin, finally showing signs of breaking out of his scoring slump, made it 4-3 1:30 later, taking a Mike Smith breakout pass and beating Hunter on a breakaway.

The Express tied it 4-4 six minutes later when Berdichevsky, off another Smith breakout, scored on a short-handed breakaway.

Defenseman Claude Barthe, Roanoke's newfound offensive machine, took care of business in the final period. Barthe, who hadn't scored until Thursday's 8-6 victory over Richmond, put Roanoke ahead 5-4 with a 45-foot power-play blast at 4:16.

After Charlotte (12-9-1) tied it at 5 on the third of Howie Rosenblatt's three goals, Barthe struck again, burying a 50-foot drive off Hunter's stick into the net with 7:56 left.

"When's the last time I had two goals?" said Barthe, repeating the question.

"It was 1972," said Roanoke forward Tony Szabo.

"Hey, I don't know," Barthe said. "It's my same shot. It's just finding the net now."

Ryder, who took a puck in the left knee in Wednesday's practice and wasn't expected to see action, made the lead stand up. Ryder came on for shell-shocked starter Jim Mill, who was yanked by Anzalone after one period.

"I couldn't play Dan Ryder tonight," Anzalone said. "He was unplayable because he couldn't bend his left knee and go down for the split save. But five minutes before we went out for the second period, I decided to put him out there. It was based on nothing."

Ryder went down on the split with 10:53 left, robbing Charlotte's Scott Lindsay on a breakaway.

"It was tough, but that's what I get paid to do, so you go do it," Ryder said.

The victory, Roanoke's second in 24 hours, gave the players a soothing send-off to a four-day vacation. Since the Express doesn't play again until Dec. 11, Anzalone is allowing his troops to go home and enjoy an early Christmas. The club can't go home Christmas week, playing four times Dec. 20-26.

"This is a great way to set up a few days off," Anzalone said.


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