Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, December 7, 1993                   TAG: 9312070202
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B2   EDITION: STATE 
SOURCE: From Associated Press and staff reports
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


A knee injury will sideline Radford forward Eric Bowens for the remainder of the 1993-94 basketball season, Highlanders coach Ron Bradley said Monday.

Bowens, a 6-foot-6 sophomore from Durham, N.C., will undergo surgery on his left knee, which was injured in a pickup game last spring.

The Highlanders (2-2) have used him sparingly since the season began. He averaged 3.7 points and 1.3 rebounds in the three games. Last season, Bowens averaged 5.9 points and 2.3 rebounds.

Bowens is expected to apply for hardship redshirt status from the NCAA to retain his second year of eligibility.

\ HONOREES: Grant Hill of Duke, Glenn Robinson of Purdue, Eric Montross of North Carolina and Jason Kidd of California are among the candidates for the Naismith Male College Player of the Year, announced by the Atlanta Tipoff Club.

Lisa Leslie of Southern California, Katie Smith of Ohio State, Tonya Sampson of North Carolina and Heidi Gillingham of Vanderbilt head the Naismith Female Player of the Year candidates.

A selection panel of more than 1,000 members, including Division I coaches, media and past Naismith winners vote for the candidates with the winners to be announced during a 30-minute telecast on CBS, Sunday, March 27.

\ Women

Washington and Lee 55, Wesley (Del.) College 22: At Lexington, Sandra Holmes scored 17 points and grabbed 12 rebounds to lead the Generals to their second straight victory. This is the Generals' first season as a varsity team.

W&L (2-3) led 20-14 at halftime, but it opened the second half with a 25-2 run to take command. The Wolverines (0-5) were held to just eight second-half points and shot 16 percent from the field for the game.

 by CNB