Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, December 9, 1993                   TAG: 9312090257
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-8   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


State bar suspends Richmond prosecutor

RICHMOND - A three-judge panel of the Virginia State Bar on Wednesday temporarily suspended Commonwealth's Attorney Joseph D. Morrissey from practicing law.

The state bar's disciplinary panel suspended Morrissey's license for six months effective immediately after ruling that Morrissey committed two violations of legal ethics.

The panel said he improperly handled a plea agreement in a rape case.

Morrissey acknowledged Tuesday that he reduced a charge against a defendant in exchange for $25,000 for the victim and an additional $25,000 from the defendant's family to be distributed to charities selected by Morrissey.

A jury acquitted Morrissey in August of two bribery charges related to the plea agreement, and a judge dropped a perjury charge last month. He is scheduled to be tried Dec. 20 on a charge of misuse of public funds.

- Associated Press

Shoe salesman killed pursuing shoplifters

RICHMOND - A shoe salesman was shot to death when he confronted two suspected shoplifters outside the store, police said.

David Davis, 52, of Richmond, was shot in the chest outside a Saxon Shoes store at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday, Henrico County police said. Davis was pronounced dead about 30 minutes later at the Medical College of Virginia Hospitals.

Police were searching for two men seen leaving a parking lot behind the store in a two-door burgundy car, with a chain-design license plate holder, Lt. Robert A. Stapleton said.

According to Sgt. James A. Price, Davis was working at the store when two men came in and looked at merchandise before picking up items and leaving the store. When Davis followed them out to the sidewalk and told them to stop, he was shot in the chest and fell to the ground. - Associated Press

DJ offers contest prize: witnessing execution

NORFOLK - A disc jockey and self-described death penalty proponent is offering an unusual prize to the winner of a listener contest.

Perry Stone, who broadcasts a morning show on WROX-FM and hosts an afternoon talk show on WNIS-AM in Norfolk, is offering a chance to witness an execution.

He has filed an application with the state Department of Corrections to witness an execution and, if accepted, he says he will bring a radio listener with him.

There's one catch.

"He's not allowed to do that," said Wayne Brown, operations officer of the Greensville Correctional Center in Jarratt, where Virginia's electric chair is located.

"Even if he was chosen as a witness, he would not be allowed to choose someone to bring with him." - Associated Press

PAC forms to defeat North's bid for Senate

A band of activists seeking to derail Oliver North's Republican bid for the U.S. Senate have formed a political action committee.

Registered with the Federal Election Commission, "Operation Last Laugh Independent Expenditure" - or OLLIE-PAC - is designated as an independent expenditure group. That means OLLIE-PAC can oppose North's candidacy but cannot have any contact with other candidates for the seat.

The group wants to raise $150,000 by early next year, said Dan Carol, a former Democratic National Committee staff member and a strategist for the new PAC.

The PAC wants "to make clear to Virginia voters that Oliver North is unfit for duty in the U.S. Senate," Carol told the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

North, a former Marine lieutenant colonel involved in the Iran-Contra scandal, is widely considered the front-runner for the GOP nomination next year for Democratic Sen. Charles Robb's seat. - Associated Press

Transportation leader leaving state Cabinet

RICHMOND - John Milliken is stepping down next week as Virginia's secretary of transportation, Gov. Douglas Wilder announced Wednesday.

Milliken had occupied the position as the state's top transportation policymaker since March 1990. He was the first transportation secretary to head the Commonwealth Transportation Board.

"From John's first day on the job, which we spent together in Washington urging Congress to put federal money where the cars are, my transportation secretary has worked with energy and effectiveness," the governor said in a statement.

- Associated Press


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