Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, December 12, 1993                   TAG: 9312100349
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 8   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Angela Diane Williamson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Williamson, Sr., and Joseph D. Bryant, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Bryant, were married December 11, 1993, at the Radisson Patrick Henry Hotel, 1:00 p.m. Pierre Renoir performed the ceremony. The reception was held at the Patrick Henry also. The matron of honor was Debra Worell. Bridesmaids were Carrie Williamson, bride's sister-in-law, and Donna Gobble, groom's sister. The best man was James Bryant, groom's brother. Groomsmen were Giles Gobble, groom's brother-in-law, and Edward Santuck, groom's best friend. Usher was Edward Williamson, Jr., bride's brother.

The bride's gown was a white Alfred Angelo, Dream Maker style. The groom wore a western cut tuxedo, including a Resistol cowboy hat. The reception was set-up to the Christmas theme. The cake was a huge tier style with Christmas lights, fountain and red poinsettias. A buffet was served for the guests, and the D.J., Christopher, played a majority of Country Western dance music.

Angie is a graduate of Patrick Henry High School and ECPI College. She is presently employed by Roanoke Memorial Hospital as a Lead in Physician Services. Joe is a graduate of James River High School and Roanoke Valley Plumbing and Heating Apprenticeship Program. He is presently employed by Carrier Building Services as a Journeyman Service Technician.

The newlyweds will reside in Roanoke County after they return from their honeymoon in Cancun, Mexico.

 by CNB