Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, December 15, 1993                   TAG: 9312150064
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


JAMES McCOMAS, former Virginia Tech president, was the recipient of the Pacesetter Award given by the National Academic Advising Association. Twelve university presidents nationwide were nominated for the award.

\ WILLIAM ROLAND KNOCKE, a civil engineering professor, was awarded one of five Walter Huber Civil Engineering Research Prizes from the American Society of Civil Engineers. He was cited for his work with the physical and chemical treatment of drinking water.

Former head of the architecture department, LEONARD CURRIE, was selected the William Noland Award medalist for 1993 by the Virginia Society of the American Institute for Architects. Currie is known for his work in passive and active solar design.

\ KEN REIFSNIDER, an engineering science and mechanics professor, was named associate editor of a new technical journal, Applied Material Composites.

\ PAUL RIBBE, professor of mineralogy, received the 1993 Distinguished Public Service Medal from the Mineralogical Society of America at a recent luncheon in Boston.

\ YURIKO YAMAMURO RENARDY, a professor of mathematics, has received a $200,839 three-year research grant from the National Science Foundation. She is the co-author of two books on mathematics and fluid dynamics.

For the fourth consecutive year, a team of undergraduate students from the department of aerospace and ocean engineering won the national student AIRPLANE DESIGN CONTEST. Another Virginia Tech team placed third. More than 30 teams nationwide entered the contest. The first-place team will present its airplane design, called "C-28 Juggernaut," at an international conference in California. They also won a $1,000 cash prize.

\ DUNCAN PORTER, botany professor, and PETER GRAHAM, professor of English, have co-edited "The Portable Darwin," published by Penguin Books. The book contains selections from many of Darwin's writings, scientific papers, letters and a family memorial.

Associate Professor PATRICK MILLER, head of landscape architecture, was recently elected president of the Virginia Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects.

\ WILLIAM SMITH of the department of engineering science and mechanics has been appointed to the National Council for Highway Research Program's Technical Review Panel.

\ AICHA ELSHABINI-RIAD, professor of electrical engineering since 1979, has been elected a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. Fellow is the highest honor bestowed on any member of the institute.

\ RICHARD BARKER, a civil engineering professor, has been named to a national investigative panel that will examine the structural damage done to bridges in the Midwest by last summer's floods. The panel will recommend ways to make the bridges more stable.

\ JOHN CRUNKILTON, associate dean and director of agricultural technology in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, was among 1,300 educators from around the world to attend the 44th Biennial Council of Phi Delta Kappa. The event was held in Nashville, Tenn.

 by CNB