Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, December 15, 1993                   TAG: 9312150114
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 9   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


David Letterman, extensively discussing for the first time the woman who has repeatedly broken into his Connecticut home, describes her as "an intelligent woman" who has "been failed by the judicial system, failed by the state psychiatric system . . . failed by her family and failed by her friends."

In an interview in January's Playboy, the TV talker shows more familiarity and sympathy with Margaret Ray than he had revealed. She has written him daily - sometimes four times a day - for six years, the comedian said, and her notes make sense when she's on medication but are babble when she isn't. "She just happens to be insane," Letterman tells the magazine.

He added that he and his lawyer had talked about helping Ray. Says Letterman: "I'm befuddled and perplexed. Not because she's doing anything to me but because this woman needs so much attention and has not received anything." He has regret at using the break-ins as jokes on his show. "I guess I abused the situation by making light of it," he said.

Princess Diana wants to marry again, says one of her close male pals. "I know the princess wants to have more children," Army Maj. James Hewitt told the tabloid The People. "She is a young and attractive woman, and I see no reason why she shouldn't marry again." Hewitt, 34, who was a tank commander in the Gulf War and has given Diana horse-riding lessons, was asked if he might step up. "I would like to settle down one day with the right woman," said.

Meanwhile, Diana is pictured minus Prince Charles with her two boys in her personal Christmas card. Last year, hard on the heels of their separation, the couple sent out a card with just Prince William and Prince Harry on it.

In Rolling Stone, rocker Pete Townshend had this to say about the possibility of another Who reunion next year: "How can you have a 30th anniversary of a broken marriage? I just don't buy it. But you know, I love those guys, and I'm not going to be hard-hearted about it. I won't tour - but mind you, I said that in '89, and they said, `But, Pete, you'll make $70 million.' I said, `I'll tour.' So I don't want to be too obdurate. We'll see what happens."

 by CNB