Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, December 16, 1993                   TAG: 9312160063
SECTION: NATL/INTL                    PAGE: A10   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: PARKERSBURG, W.VA.                                LENGTH: Short


The latest batch of banned music lyrics came from an unlikely source: an elementary school music teacher.

Terry Nichols has been ordered to stop giving her pupils copies of the lyrics to twisted Christmas song parodies, which include "Violent Night" (sung to the tune of "Silent Night") and "Wreck the Malls" ("Deck the Halls").

Kim Wright of Parkersburg said she heard her son, a fifth-grader at Jefferson Elementary, singing something odd Monday.

"I said, `What are you singing?' " Wright said Tuesday. "He brought them to me, and I just about passed out. I was appalled."

A sample, from "We Three Clods From Omaha Are," (sung to the tune of "We Three Kings From Orient Are"):

"We three clods from Omaha are

Spending Christmas Eve in a car

Driving, drinking

Glasses clinking

Who needs a lousy bar?" . . .


Drink to Melvin, drink to Fred

Drink to those two trucks ahead

Headlights flashing

Screeching, crashing

Drink 'til they pronounce us dead"

Principal Ed Alfred, who met with parents Tuesday, said the lyrics would not be sung in the classroom again. He would not say if Nichols was reprimanded.

Nichols did not return a telephone message left at the school Wednesday.

"The teacher told me she had been doing this for 15 years," said parent Greg Bailey of Deerwalk. "She told me I was the first parent to ever have a problem with this."

 by CNB