Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, December 16, 1993                   TAG: 9312160065
SECTION: NEIGHBORS                    PAGE: E-12   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


The first Shrine food train chugged through Roanoke collecting food for the needy in 1985. Now, the train cannot hold the mountain of food donated by the public for delivery to the Roanoke Rescue Mission - a fleet of trucks is also necessary.

Roanoke Shriners will be at area Kroger stores Saturday collecting food for the Rescue Mission.

Dressed as clowns and filled with holiday merriment, the members of this benevolent organization expect to collect more than $25,000 in food and cash donations, said organizer Dave Hollandsworth.

That amounts to a mountain of food for the needy to be used at Christmas and throughout the year.

Unlike many organizations collecting food for the needy, Shriners are able to provide perishable foods, such as eggs and cheese, because food is delivered to the Mission the same day it is collected.

Hollandsworth said it is more beneficial to donate large quantities of the same foods because the Mission feeds about 100 people at each meal.

"The people at Kroger are super," he said. "They let us buy things by the case. It saves a lot of money."

To help, visit the Hollins, Lakeside, Cave Spring or 460 East Kroger store Saturday. Shriners accept food or money.

The food train will be at the 460 East store this year, and Shriners dressed as clowns will man the Vinton Kroger at Lakeside Plaza.

 by CNB