Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, December 17, 1993                   TAG: 9312170161
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Harrisonburg lawyer to lead Bridgewater

BRIDGEWATER - Phillip Stone, a Harrisonburg lawyer, was named Thursday as the seventh president of Bridgewater College.

Stone, 51, a 1965 graduate of Bridgewater, will succeed Wayne Geisert next August. Geisert is retiring after 30 years as the college's chief executive.

Stone, a member of the college's board of trustees since 1975, has taken leadership roles in the Church of the Brethren, with which the college is affiliated. He served as moderator, the church's highest office, in 1990-91. He was a member of the general board for five years, serving as chairman in 1986-87.

Bridgewater is a private, four-year liberal arts college founded in 1880. It has an enrollment of 936.

- Associated Press

\ Psychiatrist convicted of fraud gets probation

NORFOLK - A psychiatrist convicted of bilking insurers out of more than $30,000 over 3 1/2 years has been given a suspended prison term.

Dr. Harvey L. Nissman, who had pleaded guilty in October to defrauding seven insurers, faced up to a year in prison at Wednesday's sentencing.

But U.S. District Judge John A. MacKenzie said he was impressed by the fact that Nissman eventually was honest with his patients and helped federal agents in an ongoing investigation of health-insurance fraud.

- Associated Press

Memo: shorter version ran in the Metro edition.

by CNB