Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, December 26, 1993                   TAG: 9312230019
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 4   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Ann Landers
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


DEAR FRIENDS: Today's column could save you a lot of anxiety and money. Please read it carefully.

Reader's Digest, which pioneered the use of sweepstakes in the United States in 1962, is cooperating with the Federal Trade Commission in alerting consumers nationwide about scams operating in several states. The FTC has distributed a brochure nationwide, telling consumers how to protect themselves against being taken.

In the last few months, fraudulent telephone calls have been made to consumers in California, Arizona, Oregon, Washington, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Tennessee. In each case, swindlers tried to bilk victims out of money by claiming they had won the Reader's Digest Sweepstakes. They then said the winnings could not be released until cash or certified checks were sent by overnight courier or wire services to cover taxes and shipping and handling charges. Scam artists were asking from $500 to $10,000.

Legitimate sweepstakes do NOT require winners to pay any money to collect their prizes. Here are additional fraud-prevention tips:

n Be wary of phone calls informing you that you have won a sweepstakes prize. Most reputable companies notify winners by mail.

n Be suspicious if you are asked for money to claim a prize. Swindlers often tell victims the money is for "taxes" or "shipping and handling charges."

n Never give out your credit card number to collect a prize or enter a contest. Con artists often request this information as "proof of eligibility."

n Contact the company conducting the sweepstakes. Reader's Digest, like many companies, provides customers with information about prizes, entry deadlines and the odds of winning. A list of winners is available upon request.

If you think someone is trying to swindle you or that you have been the victim of fraud, report it immediately to your state's attorney general, the Better Business Bureau in your area, a local consumer protection agency or the National Fraud Information Center at (800) 876-7060.

Remember P.T. Barnum's famous words, "There's a sucker born every minute"? Don't be one of them.

\ Creators Syndicate

 by CNB