Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, December 30, 1993                   TAG: 9312300352
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Long


LUTHERAN BROTHERHOOD SOUTHWEST VIRGINIA BRANCH 8264 is sponsoring a work trip Jan. 21-30 to help with Hurricane Andrew rebuilding in South Florida. Volunteers supply sleeping bags, clothing and personal toiletries; the fraternal insurance agency, whose profits go to relieving human need, will supply travel, lodging and meals. Call Tony Clifford, 774-2905 for more information.

\ ROANOKE VALLEY SOUTHERN BAPTISTS have established a renovation program for residents who need help with making home repairs. Volunteers from congregations are being organized by Paul McDowell to assist with specific jobs low-income people cannot afford. For more information, call him at 977-2168 or 366-7631.

\ "THE TRUE AND LIVING GOD," an open-house presentation by the Roanoke-area Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, will be held Jan. 9 in two locations.

A 5 p.m. session will be held at 5836 Cotton Hill Road, and a 7:30 p.m. session will be held at 6311 Wayburn Drive, Salem.

There is no admission. For more information, call Rene Dutton at 389-0623.

\ CALVIN TAYLOR, pianist and recording artist, will present a concert of sacred music Jan. 8 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Roanoke Seventh-day Adventist Church, 1701 Memorial Ave. S.W.

With an unusually large hand span, Taylor presents sounds and colors which would normally required four hands. A unique mirror and lighting system will allow the audience to see the entire keyboard.

Taylor has 10 solo albums and a music video and has toured throughout the world. He is the author of several music books, including Spirituals for Piano.

Admission is free.

\ ELDER MARLIN KURTZ, a former pastor of Roanoke Seventh-day Adventist Church, will speak Saturday at 11 a.m. for the North Valley Seventh-day Adventist congregation. The group meets at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 4909 Peters Creek Road N.W. A luncheon will follow.

\ LIVING WATER CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST, 2330 Orange Ave., is holding a New Year's Revival Sunday through Jan. 7 at 7 p.m. Elder Louis Crawley of the Washington, D.C., Temple Church of God in Christ will be evangelist of the week.

For more information, call Elder Marvin Jones, pastor, 344-3075 or 362-4185.

\ NEW HOPE CHRISTIAN CHURCH, 4229 Welcome Valley Road S.W., has scheduled a concert by the Rostvit Twins Christian singers and speakers Sunday at 7 p.m. The sisters have been international missionaries for many years.

\ "WHO AM I?" a spiritually based course for self-discovery, is scheduled in February and March at Our Lady of Nazareth Catholic Church, 2505 Electric Road S.W. Registration for the sessions is due by Jan. 17. The course, for which there is a charge, is conducted in weekend sessions Feb. 4-6 and March 4-6. It includes reflection, sharing in a small group, and skills for life-planning and decision-making. Call Lynne Lonnquist at 774-0066 for more information.

\ THE REV. DAVID C. "KIRK" BROWN has been promoted to associate rector at St. John's Episcopal Church, The other assistant rector, the Rev. Carlotta "Lottie" Cochran, will be ordained to the Episcopal priesthood Jan. 25 at 7 p.m. at the church.

\ THE MINISTER AND A LAY LEADER of Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church were featured in the Dec. 10 issue of Focus, a news publication of Union Theological Seminary in Richmond. The Rev. Tupper Garden, pastor for the past two years, is recognized for his leadership in growth of the parish with its many ministries. Horace Hood, a retired staff member of the Roanoke Times & World-News and an elder in the church for many years, is cited for his encouragement of adults seeking a church vocation; the church has sent four into professional ministry.

\ CHRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH is revising its adult education program to provide a continuing course to deepen the faith of those who want a better integration of their religion with daily life. The program, which will start Jan. 9 at 9:30 a.m., will begin with exploration of the baptismal covenant and will include presentations, discussions and experimental education. The basic content will be repeated each year.

The course will replace the former adult education program of short classes on contemporary issues, though these will continue to be offered occasionally, the Rev. James R. Henry, associate rector, said.

\ THE WELCOMING CONGREGATION, a program of the Unitarian Universalist church nationally to encourage inclusion of homosexuals in the church, will be started Jan. 8 at 7 p.m. at the church on Grandin Road at Brandon Southwest. According to Larry Bernath, a co-leader, the course will last for 10 weeks from Jan. 12 through March 16. The Saturday introductory workshop is open to the public.

\ PARKWAY WESLEYAN CHURCH, 3230 King St. N.E., will begin a 10-week course Jan. 13 on healing personal hurts related to co-dependency and the memories of poor family relationships. Men and women will be separated for small group discussions. Materials will have a Christian perspective. For more information, call the church at 342-3968. Sessions will be each Thursday night through mid-March.

\ TEN LIFE INSTITUTE SEMINARS, classes to assist adults in understanding human relations issues from a Christian perspective, will be offered this winter at West Salem Baptist Church. The semester begins Jan. 23, with the duration varying with subject matter.

Institute teachers are mainly members of the church who have professional training in their subjects. Issues will include stress management, co-dependency, communication in marriage, caring for preschool children, guiding children with learning disabilities, estate planning, personal evangelism and two classes with specific devotional content.

Deadline for registration is Jan. 9. Call the church, 389-2129, for a full schedule. The Sunday programs will be from 6 to 7 p.m. at the church at 500 Turner Road.

\ AN ECUMENICAL MARRIAGE WORKSHOP for Roman Catholics married to members of other faiths attracted more than 30 adults earlier this month at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church in Salem. The Rev. James E. Parke, pastor of the host church, said Lutherans, Baptists, Presbyterians and Episcopalians were among those who have Catholic spouses and want to share some aspects of church life with them while retaining membership in their own churches. The group will continue to meet; call 387-0491 for more information.

\ COVENANT DISCIPLESHIP, a one-year program in which small groups of adults and senior youth commit to weekly prayer, study and mutual support, will begin Jan. 9 at 6 p.m. at First United Methodist Church in downtown Salem. Registration for the groups, which practice confidentiality, will be closed on Jan. 16 at the first session. Call Hannah Glisson at the church, 389-5459, for more information. Commitment to attendance is for one year; new groups will be organized at the beginning of 1995.

Deadline for religion briefs for Neighbors is Thursday. Material must be delivered to Neighbors Religion Briefs, P.O. Box 2491, Roanoke 24010, by noon to run in the following Thursday edition.

 by CNB