Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, December 30, 1993                   TAG: 9312300369
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


NAVY SEAMAN ROBERT R. MILLS, son of Kathy Schalau of 5356 Indian Grave Road, recently completed basic training at Recruit Training Command in San Diego.

Mills, a 1993 graduate of Patrick Henry High School, was among the last graduates of the 70-year-old boot camp.

\ ARMY PVT. GENE M. KENDRICK, son of Ronald B. and Diana J. Spurlock of 8257 Willow Creek Road, has completed basic training at Fort Jackson in Columbia, S.C.

Kendrick is a 1993 graduate of Northside High School.

\ ARMY SGT. SUSAN V. KLEINZ, daughter of Charles E. and Barbara L. Brady of 2118 Berkley Ave., has been decorated with the Army Commendation Medal.

The medal is awarded to those who demonstrate outstanding achievement or meritorious service in the performance of their duties.

Klein is a food service specialist.

\ MARINE PFC. WILLIAM H. PARR, son of Duane D. and Nancy J. Parr of 532 Santee Road, recently completed recruit training at Parris Island, S.C.

Parr is a 1993 graduate of Northside High School.

\ MARINE LANCE CPL. TIMOTHY S. DREWRY, son of Roger W. and Mary A. Drewry of 2842 Huff St., returned from a six-month Western Pacific, Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf deployment aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln.

Drewry is a 1991 graduate of William Byrd High School.

 by CNB