Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, December 31, 1993                   TAG: 9312310056
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Want to know how Gov.-elect George Allen's new Cabinet envisions the future of Virginia?

You're going to have to wait.

Allen - the first Republican governor in 12 years - wants to speak first, transition spokesman Ken Stroupe said this week. He called the Roanoke Times & World-News to cancel a Thursday interview with Beverly Sgro, Allen's choice for secretary of education.

"Her feeling - and our feeling as well - is that it would be best to postpone the interview until after the governor's first address," Stroupe said.

Allen, whose image has shifted over the past several months from a laid-back candidate to a politician who wants tight control of the reins, is not granting interviews until after that time and "for policy reasons" want his Cabinet to do the same, Stroupe said.

"All Cabinet members must postpone interviews until after the Governor's address," Stroupe said.

Allen will address the state when he is sworn in as governor Jan. 15.

Sgro, tapped by Allen from her position as dean of students at Virginia Tech, would not comment on who made the decision to cancel her interview.

However, she said she knew of no "gag order" placed on Cabinet members.

"The problem is, I know I, personally - and I suspect all the secretaries as well - we're just too busy," she said. "We're just swamped with work."

Sgro said Stroupe made the call for her because she was tied up in a meeting. Both said they would be happy to reschedule an interview - after Jan. 15.

Other Cabinet members already have granted interviews, however. Jerry Kilgore, the Scott County part-time prosecutor named as secretary of public safety, and Betsy Beamer, chosen for secretary of the commonwealth, have spoken to reporters about their new jobs. Neither could be reached for comment Thursday.

Sgro said canceling her interview had nothing to do with previous coverage of Cabinet picks.

But Stroupe said he wanted to be careful to avoid media labeling of Cabinet appointees before they are installed.

Sgro, for example, has already been called a tennis pro who is "unknown off campus," he said.

Stroupe said Allen wants his appointees "to hit the ground running without any labels being attached to them."

The General Assembly, which reconvenes Jan. 12, must approve Allen's Cabinet appointments before they take office.

 by CNB