Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, March 3, 1994                   TAG: 9403030279
DATELINE: NEW CASTLE                                LENGTH: Medium


An assistant principal at the high school, a full-time nurse and nursing instructor and a 3-percent pay raise for all personnel are some of the items on Craig County's educational "wish list."

The school board, already formulating its budget for 1994-95, is hoping some extra money will come along to help make some of its wishes come true.

The assistant principal position was eliminated several years ago as an economics measure.But Superintendent Dallas Helems said school board members want to reinstate the position because the county will start a middle-school program this fall. The high school's assistant principal will do some or all of the administrative work in the middle school, Helems said.

Middle-school students will have their quarters in the high school and four classrooms in two modular units adjoining the high school.

Craig County High has a part-time nursing instructor, but Helems said the system want to hire a full-time person to do a combination job of teaching nursing subjects and serving as a nurse at the high school and McCleary Elementary School.

Board members also said they are interested in joining a fiber optics network with school divisions in the New River Valley. This would be a system in which Craig teachers and students could link up with teachers and students in other schools for specialized instruction.

Board members are expecting a share of a $103 million fund to help reduce educational disparity in Virginia. If the General Assembly approves the fund, Craig would get $161,977, and board members plan to use these funds for its wish list.

Helems said board members are working with tentative budget figures because a large percentage of the system's revenue comes from the state, and they will not know the amount until after the General Assembly approves a statewide budget around March 12.

The current school budget is slightly more than $3 million, and the proposed one is expected to be about $200,000 more.

The board will hold a public hearing on the proposed budget for March 15 at 6:30 p.m. at Craig County High School.

 by CNB