Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, March 10, 1994                   TAG: 9403100196
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


CHURCHES OF GOD IN CHRIST in the Virginia Second Jurisdiction have scheduled the 72nd annual Workers' Conference for Monday through March 20. The Pentecostal denomination, which includes several congregations in the Roanoke Valley, will meet at Holiness Tabernacle, 1130 Melrose Ave. N.W. Bishop Samuel L. Green, Mary M. Featherston and Mary M. Powell will lead the meeting, which has a theme of "Soul Winning."

Services will begin at 7:30 p.m., but a Bible institute and day services start at 10 a.m.

\ THREE UNITED METHODIST PARISHES, First of Salem, Cave Spring and Greene Memorial, have begun raising funds to erect three Habitat for Humanity houses during a major Habitat drive in the summer.

The houses will be on a tract on Kellogg Avenue Northwest. Each church must provide $16,000 and sufficient volunteers to build a house. The occupants, who will be members of a working family with limited income, also will help with the construction.

\ BIBLE STUDY FELLOWSHIP, a women's interdenominational study of Scripture, has developed a new course, The Life of Moses, which will begin in September.

Registration for the day class will be March 30, May 4 and May 11 at 9:10 a.m. at Grandin Court Baptist Church. Call 774-4973 for information on this group.

Evening class registration will be April 11, April 18, May 2 and May 9 at 7:25 at Southview United Methodist Church. Call 977-0468 for more about this group.

\ FORT LEWIS CHRISTIAN CHURCH, 2931 W. Main St. in Salem, has scheduled a Communion and Tenebrae service on March 31 at 7:30 p.m. Known as a "service of darkness," Tenebrae includes extinguishing lights after the receiving of Communion on Maundy Thursday. The Disciples of Christ congregation is doing this as symbolic of Jesus' crucifixion.

Deadline for religion briefs for Neighbors is Thursday. Material must be delivered to Neighbors Religion Briefs, P.O. Box 2491, Roanoke 24010, by noon in order to run in the following Thursday edition.

 by CNB