Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, March 19, 1994                   TAG: 9403190156
SECTION: SPECTATOR                    PAGE: S-19   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: By Richard Huff New York Daily News
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


President Clinton probably will be making another trip to MTV.

Clinton, who made an appearance on the network during his presidential campaign, will likely appear on an MTV forum, perhaps before month's end.

According to a source at the network, Clinton is all but locked in for the session, which is likely to focus on the issue of violence.

"We are very interested in getting the President involved in our anti-violence campaign," said a spokeswoman for the network.

While she conceded that the music-video network regularly makes appeals to the White House about Clinton's appearing on the channel, she stopped short of confirming the booking.

But an MTV source said the network and the White House are now discussing where the interview will take place, with the choices narrowed to four sites, including New York and Los Angeles.

The network is preparing a series of programs on violence, including a roundtable that likely will be hosted by MTV anchor Kurt Loder. It's possible Clinton would take part in that show.

Back when he was campaigning for the White House, Clinton appeared in a long question-and-answer session on MTV. Then-vice-presidential hopeful Al Gore also appeared.

Clinton's appearance helped give the MTV news operation instant credibility, and also put the all-music network on the map as a political force for teens and twentysomethings. MTV coverage of the campaign is credited with getting younger people to register, and vote.

 by CNB