Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, March 22, 1994                   TAG: 9403220176
DATELINE: CHRISTIANSBURG                                LENGTH: Medium


They worked together as lawyers for 10 years. Now, Ray Grubbs has assumed the Circuit Court bench his former partner, Kenneth Devore, held for 17 years.

More than 150 people attended a swearing-in ceremony Saturday for Grubbs. The Montgomery-Radford-Floyd Bar Association also honored the retiring Devore during the 45-minute ceremony attended by lawyers, other judges in the 27th Circuit and District, General Assembly members, courthouse workers and the general public.

"If we had known we were going to have a crowd this size, we would have charged admission,'' Bud Neily, a lawyer from Blacksburg, joked.

The ceremony was laced with levity, partly in tribute to Devore, who is known for his sense of humor.

Grubbs' daughter, Peyton, held the Bible as Grubbs took the oath of office. His son, Harrison, assisted him with putting on his robe, which was given to him by the General District Court clerks he has worked with since 1988 when he became a lower court judge.

"Can I go trout fishing now, Ray?'' Devore jokingly asked Grubbs after administering the oath of office then sharing a hug with his former law practice partner. Grubbs and Devore shared a law office for 10 years. Devore assumed the bench in 1977.

"... I think it's that humor that most people will miss, because I have none," Grubbs said.

Six years ago, Grubbs said, someone, as a joke, sewed together a sleeve of the robe he was to receive as lower court judge. This time, he took his robe home to make sure it didn't happen again.

"I feel very privileged ... I've been very uplifted by the sincere good wishes that I have received," Grubbs said. "... I'm privileged to follow the term of Judge Devore."

Circuit Judge Duane Mink, who serves primarily in Radford, Carroll County and Giles, said Devore's good humor and judicial insight made him and others who joined the bench after Devore better judges.

"Our job has really been made easier by virtue of the fact that Kenny Devore preceded us on the bench," Mink said.

Devore , who received a standing ovation, thanked the lawyers and the clerks he has worked with over the years, "But most of all, I want to thank ol' Lyndall for staying with me," he said. Lyndall Cole served for 32 years as Devore's secretary and will stay on to assist Grubbs.

"It's been a fine 17 years and a good association and it's a great bar," Devore told the lawyers.

John Quigley, a Christiansburg lawyer, will replace Grubbs as a General District Judge for the 27th District.

 by CNB