Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, March 23, 1994                   TAG: 9403230142
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Tyson says barriers to takeover gone

Tyson Foods Inc., Springdale, Ark., foods processor, said Tuesday the waiting period has expired for federal objections under antitrust laws to its proposed takeover of WLR Foods Inc. Tyson this month launched a tender offer for WLR stock, paying $30 a share or $329 million for the Broadway, Va., chicken and turkey processor and distributor.

Lacking federal objections, "this removed the sole antitrust-related regulatory hurdle to the completion of our tender offer,'' said Tyson Foods Chairman Don Tyson.

- Staff report

Gasoline prices lower than last year

Motorists will pay an average 4.5 cents less for a gallon of self-serve regular unleaded gasoline this Easter than they did in 1993, the American Automobile Association said Tuesday.

The national motor club reported the nationwide average price of self-serve unleaded is $1.065 per gallon, compared to $1.11 a year ago. The average price is down 0.4 cent since its Feb. 22 survey.

Average self-serve unleaded prices are down in all regions since Easter 1993.

This Easter Sunday, 60 percent of the stations will be open and 33 percent intend 24-hour operation.

- Staff report\ Briefly...

Bell Atlantic Corp., Philadelphia parent of Bell Atlantic Virginia, on Tuesday increased its quarterly dividend from 67 cents to 69 cents per share of common stock, payable May 2 to shareowners on April 11.

The Coastal Corp. of Houston said its ANR Production Co. has announced its participation in a deep-discovery oil well in Mississippi's Wayne County. The well is capable of producing 1,160 barrels of oil a day. Coastal also is parent of ANR Coal Co. and Coastal Coal Sales Co., both of Roanoke.

 by CNB